hisusqristos / nix-config

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Keep sheel commands history #10

Open hisusqristos opened 1 year ago

hisusqristos commented 1 year ago

Keep our shell history so that searching for past commands is possible.

We might tweak some key bindings to make reversive search possible. Zsh has it, I believe Fish should also do.

hisusqristos commented 1 year ago

Powerful History Mechanism

Modern shells save previous commands in a command history. You can view earlier commands by using the up and down arrows. Fish extends this concept by integrating the history search functionality. To search the history, simply type in the search string, and press the up arrow. By using the up and down arrow, you can search for older and newer matches. The fish history automatically removes duplicate matches and the matching substring is highlighted. These features make searching and reusing previous commands much faster.

hisusqristos commented 1 year ago
