hitachi-speech / EEND

End-to-End Neural Diarization
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How to Run Callhome #21

Open Sangramsingkayte opened 3 years ago

Sangramsingkayte commented 3 years ago

(Speech) Sangram:v1 sing$ ./ ./ line 34: Modify: command not found ./ line 35: This: command not found prepare kaldi-style datasets /Users/sing/Postdoc/IMP/EEND/egs/callhome/v1/utils/ empty file spk2utt mkdir: /callhome/.tmp/: Read-only file system --2021-05-19 22:16:44-- Resolving Connecting to||:80... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 340276 (332K) [application/x-gzip] /callhome/.tmp: No such file or directory /callhome/.tmp/sre2000-key.tar.gz: No such file or directory

Cannot write to '/callhome/.tmp/sre2000-key.tar.gz' (No such file or directory). tar: Error opening archive: Failed to open '/callhome/.tmp//sre2000-key.tar.gz' local/ line 29: /callhome/.tmp//reco.list: No such file or directory local/ line 43: /callhome/.tmp//reco.list: No such file or directory cp: directory /callhome does not exist local/ line 50: /callhome/utt2spk: No such file or directory local/ line 51: /callhome/spk2utt: No such file or directory cp: /callhome/.tmp//sre2000-key/reco2num: No such file or directory cp: directory /callhome does not exist utils/ no such directory /callhome mkdir: /callhome/.backup: Read-only file system utils/ no such directory /callhome no such file /callhome/utt2spk no such file /callhome/utt2spk local/ line 62: /callhome1/wav.scp: No such file or directory Can't open /callhome/wav.scp: No such file or directory at utils/ line 37. mkdir: /callhome1/.backup: Read-only file system utils/ no such directory /callhome1 local/ line 65: /callhome2/wav.scp: No such file or directory mkdir: /callhome2/.backup: Read-only file system utils/ no such directory /callhome2 local/ line 68: /callhome1/reco2num_spk: No such file or directory local/ line 70: /callhome2/reco2num_spk: No such file or directory no such file data/callhome1/utt2spk awk: can't open file data/callhome1/reco2num_spk source line number 1 Can't open data/callhome1/wav.scp: No such file or directory at utils/ line 65. awk: can't open file data/callhome/fullref.rttm source line number 1 Empty list of recordings (bad file data/callhome1_spk2/segments)? Empty list of recordings (bad file data/callhome1_spk2/segments)? utils/data/ obtaining durations from recordings utils/data/ successfully obtained recording lengths from sphere-file headers usage: rm [-f | -i] [-dPRrvW] file ... unlink file utils/data/ computed data/callhome1_spk2/reco2dur no such file data/callhome2/utt2spk awk: can't open file data/callhome2/reco2num_spk source line number 1 Can't open data/callhome2/wav.scp: No such file or directory at utils/ line 65. awk: can't open file data/callhome/fullref.rttm source line number 1 Empty list of recordings (bad file data/callhome2_spk2/segments)? Empty list of recordings (bad file data/callhome2_spk2/segments)? utils/data/ obtaining durations from recordings utils/data/ successfully obtained recording lengths from sphere-file headers usage: rm [-f | -i] [-dPRrvW] file ... unlink file utils/data/ computed data/callhome2_spk2/reco2dur /Users/sing/Postdoc/IMP/EEND/egs/callhome/v1/utils/ no such file spk2utt --2021-05-19 22:16:44-- Resolving Connecting to||:80... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 163742 (160K) [application/x-gzip] Saving to: 'data/local/speaker_list.tgz.3'

speaker_list.tgz.3 100%[===================================================>] 159.90K --.-KB/s in 0.08s

2021-05-19 22:16:45 (1.85 MB/s) - 'data/local/speaker_list.tgz.3' saved [163742/163742]

x speaker_list find: /LDC/LDC2006S44/: No such file or directory Error getting list of sph files at local/ line 23. Smartmatch is experimental at local/ line 51. Could not open /LDC/doc/callstat.tbl at local/ line 18. Smartmatch is experimental at local/ line 53. Could not open /LDC/LDC99S79/DISC1/doc/callstat.tbl at local/ line 18. Smartmatch is experimental at local/ line 48. Could not open /LDC/LDC2002S06/DISC1/docs/callstat.tbl at local/ line 18. Smartmatch is experimental at local/ line 28. Could not open /LDC/LDC2001S13/doc/swb_callstats.tbl at local/ line 18. Smartmatch is experimental at local/ line 28. Could not open /LDC/LDC2004S07/docs/swb_callstats.tbl at local/ line 18. utils/ data/swb_sre_comb data/swbd_cellular1_train data/swbd_cellular2_train data/swbd2_phase1_train data/swbd2_phase2_train data/swbd2_phase3_train data/sre utils/ no such file data/swbd_cellular1_train/utt2spk /Users/sing/Postdoc/IMP/EEND/egs/callhome/v1/utils/ empty file spk2utt Preparing data/musan... In music directory, processed 0 files: 0 had missing wav data In speech directory, processed 0 files: 0 had missing wav data In noise directory, processed 0 files: 0 had missing wav data no utterances remained: not proceeding further. no such file data/musan_noise/utt2spk awk: can't open file /LDC/noise/free-sound/ANNOTATIONS source line number 1 no utterances remained: not proceeding further. /Users/sing/Postdoc/IMP/EEND/egs/callhome/v1/utils/ Successfully validated data-directory data/simu_rirs_8k /Users/sing/Postdoc/IMP/EEND/egs/callhome/v1/utils/ no such directory exp/segmentation_1a/tdnn_stats_asr_sad_1a/swb_sre_comb_seg --nj 30 --graph-opts --min-silence-duration=0.03 --min-speech-duration=0.3 --max-speech-duration=10.0 --transform-probs-opts --sil-scale=0.1 --extra-left-context 79 --extra-right-context 21 --frames-per-chunk 150 --extra-left-context-initial 0 --extra-right-context-final 0 --acwt 0.3 data/swb_sre_comb exp/segmentation_1a/tdnn_stats_asr_sad_1a mfcc_hires exp/segmentation_1a/tdnn_stats_asr_sad_1a exp/segmentation_1a/tdnn_stats_asr_sad_1a/swb_sre_comb utils/data/ Data directory already does not contain segments. So just copying it. no such file data/swb_sre_comb/utt2spk utils/ no such file data/swb_sre_comb_whole_hires/utt2spk (Speech) Sangram:v1 sing$

Sangramsingkayte commented 3 years ago

i upload the callhome data in the same directory name as LDC. and add line number 16 data_dir=$LDC

but not working can anyone help me

erichong0318 commented 3 years ago

Hi, I have some similar problems, have you already run the data prepare successfully?

melwch commented 3 years ago

Trying to figure out the same how to train CALLHOME datasets that will reproduce the same experiment result in paper Anyone can help?

v-nhandt21 commented 9 months ago

how I access CALLHOME for testing, Can you share with me