Open speckenbuettel opened 3 months ago
Hello @speckenbuettel ,
What version did you try to run?
best regards,
Hi Daniel,
I had pulled the "latest" image from Docker Hub on that day.
Thanks and best regards, Falk
We have automated tests for docker image. Nevertheless I tried to run 2024.6/2024.7 and it worked as expected. Could it be Portainer specific? I have no experience with this. Also the latest tag could get you an old image if it present in the local docker environment and no new pull is issued.
Can you please try to pin the version like this and run it in your Portainer environment? It works for me in docker:
docker run --name hivemq-edge -p 1883:1883 -p 8080:8080 -a STDOUT hivemq/hivemq-edge:2024.7
it also prints out the STD_OUT, so you do not need to connect to the container.
Thank you for your help and best regards, Daniel
I just tested with a local Portainer-instance using my local docker-installation. Following our docs I was able to deploy hivemq-edge without a hitch using:
Log is clean and the broker is usable.
Can you provide additional information about your environment:
Whatever else you can get.
I have the same issue on an ArmV7 device using the following command without portainer:
docker run --name hivemq-edge -d -p 1883:1883 -p 8080:8080 hivemq/hivemq-edge
doing the same on a ArmV8 device worked for me without any issues.
Tested the following version:
Log on ArmV7:
Getting bind address from container hostname
setting bind address to x.x.x.x
_ _ _ __ __ ____ _
| | | (_) | \/ |/ __ \ | |
| |__| |___ _____| \ / | | | | ___ __| | __ _ ___
| __ | \ \ / / _ \ |\/| | | | | / _ \/ _` |/ _` |/ _ \
| | | | |\ V / __/ | | | |__| | | __/ (_| | (_| | __/
|_| |_|_| \_/ \___|_| |_|\___\_\ \___|\__,_|\__, |\___|
__/ |
HiveMQ Edge Start Script for Linux/Unix v1.13
ERROR! HiveMQ Home Folder Permissions not correct.
Log on ArmV8:
Getting bind address from container hostname
setting bind address to x.x.x.x
_ _ _ __ __ ____ _
| | | (_) | \/ |/ __ \ | |
| |__| |___ _____| \ / | | | | ___ __| | __ _ ___
| __ | \ \ / / _ \ |\/| | | | | / _ \/ _` |/ _` |/ _ \
| | | | |\ V / __/ | | | |__| | | __/ (_| | (_| | __/
|_| |_|_| \_/ \___|_| |_|\___\_\ \___|\__,_|\__, |\___|
__/ |
HiveMQ Edge Start Script for Linux/Unix v1.13
HIVEMQ_HOME: /opt/hivemq
JAVA_OPTS: -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseNUMA --add-opens java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens java.base/java.nio=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens java.base/ --add-opens --add-exports java.base/jdk.internal.misc=ALL-UNNAMED -Duser.language=en -Duser.region=US -XX:+CrashOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError
2024-11-20 12:54:42,906 [main] INFO com.hivemq.HiveMQEdgeMain#main - Starting HiveMQ Edge...
2024-11-20 12:54:43,536 INFO - Log Configuration was overridden by /opt/hivemq/conf/logback.xml
LOGBACK: No context given for[null]
2024-11-20 12:54:43,071 INFO - HiveMQ Edge Version: 2024.7
2024-11-20 12:54:43,071 INFO - HiveMQ home directory: /opt/hivemq
I tried to run the Docker image in Portainer, with the port mapping as per instruction and no other settings changed.
But it won't run, in the log I receive this error message:
HiveMQ Edge Start Script for Linux/Unix v1.13 ERROR! HiveMQ Home Folder Permissions not correct.
Any idea how to fix this?
Thanks and best regards, Falk