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Collaboration and communication tools #2

Closed javgh closed 10 years ago

javgh commented 10 years ago

I wanted to open this issue to discuss how we want to organize communication and collaboration within the team going forward and what some good practices could be. I'm not interested in defining any "rules" and maybe nothing much needs to be changed, but I think it would be helpful to get a feeling for what everyone prefers and have some guidelines as to how to keep the signal to noise ratio high.

Current tools:

My input:

mackuba commented 10 years ago

Ah, it's the old "what do we replace Skype with" discussion again... how many times I went through this with various teams... ;)

Personally, I'm totally fine with the current setup:

BitTorrent Sync isn't really used anymore, it was mostly used for sharing builds before GitHub, and for sharing mockups, images and other design stuff, but it isn't now for obvious reasons...

As for EtherPad, there's only two things we've used it for, that one high-level plan document by Wendell and the meeting minutes that Wei started to write. I guess we could move this somewhere if it bothers you, but I don't care really. Maybe it could be moved to a wiki in a private repo. (Actually, this repo could be private too...)

+1 for a mailing list that would save me selecting those 6-7 people manually every time I want to write an email to everyone.

I'm not sure about Trello, I feel like having two parallel places with a list of tasks would be redundant and annoying to maintain...

-1 for IRC, mostly because I don't use it at all, I don't even have a proper client installed... Also, what about reading what other people wrote when you weren't online?

As for Skype notifications, have you tried this ? (I only found this now, I usually just use right click -> Notification Settings if I need to)

I would be fine with switching from Skype to Hipchat/Campfire/etc. if that makes someone happier, since they have native apps and work pretty much in the same way as Skype (except the p2p annoyances like not getting old messages because there's no one to send them to you).

javgh commented 10 years ago

Good point regarding offline messages. I did not think of that, I guess that would be a big disadvantage/problem with IRC.

I think having a private wiki would be a good thing. The minutes could go there and also some kind of agenda for the next meeting, to be built up during the week.

Making this repository private and thereby having the issues and wiki private would requires us to upgrade our GitHub plan, right? But yes, maybe we should just do that. The cheapest option seems to be $25 per month.

ghost commented 10 years ago

Closing for the time being; I think our tools are OK for now.