hl7-be / vaccination

HL7 Belgium Vaccination (Patient Dossier) Specifications on FHIR - Development repository
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Enforcing information about the stock location #152

Open HanneVuegen opened 3 months ago

HanneVuegen commented 3 months ago

For the next release

How to add and enforce stock location information whenever a stock location is given? It has to be possible to identify the location:

This has to be clarified and if possible some guidance would be usefull as well.



bdc-ehealth commented 3 months ago


The rules how to use HCO have been explained to didier.liebaert@vlaanderen.be . You can read the summary here: https://github.com/hl7-be/core/issues/23

Each issuing organisation (responsible for the HCO number), will have to use its own namingsystem (i.e. URL) to identify the HCO-number. This cannot be handled on a federal level, because we have no overview of all organisations that are allowed to attribute an HCO number.

So yes, the HCO number can be used to identify the organisation, and the KBO (CBE) also... There is no problem whatsoever.

For the second part of this question: "Can we enforce this?". This cannot be enforced on a federal level, because the other regions do not always want to use the stock location (until further notice).

HanneVuegen commented 2 months ago

Thank you for the clarification, Bart. My question was rather focused on the fact that now it is not clear in which field the stock location can be identified. Is this the location.identifier or do we want to support the structure of an organisation by using the reference from ManagingOrganization as contained resource? Clear guidance and examples must be given to ensure that users provide the information correctly and consistently when registering vaccinations that come from a stock.

bdc-ehealth commented 2 months ago

@HanneVuegen ,

both ways are possible (Location.managingOrganization and Location.partOf). Make a proposal and have the group approve it! The choice comes up particularly with organizations that have multiple sites. See also the examples that I communicated to Wouter Beckers: https://github.com/hl7-be/vaccination/issues/157

HanneVuegen commented 2 months ago

@bdc-ehealth, this issue isn't blocking for publication. You can add 'next iteration'.