hltj / kotlin-web-site-cn

Kotlin 语言中文站
Apache License 2.0
464 stars 422 forks source link
chinese chinese-simplified chinese-translation documents kotlin reference tutorials website

Kotlin 语言中文站

官方英文站:Official project Qodana Code Quality Check

This repository is the source for https://kotlinlang.org.

Website structure


Website page Source files
Main page templates/pages/index.html
Kotlin docs docs/topics
Community pages/community
Education templates/pages/education

Note that source files for the server-side landing page and Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile landing page are not publicly available.

Sources in different repositories

Source files for the language specification and the docs for coroutines, lincheck, Dokka, and Library creators' guidelines are stored in separate repositories

Website page GitHub repository
Coroutines docs kotlinx.coroutines
Lincheck docs kotlinx.lincheck
Dokka docs Dokka
Library creators' guidelines api-guidelines
Language specification kotlin-spec

Auto-generated content

API reference documentation is generated based on comments in the Kotlin code. Learn more about documenting the Kotlin code.

The Kotlin grammar reference is generated by the Kotlin grammar generator from the Kotlin grammar definition.

Configuration files

Configuration File
Navigation and structure kr.tree for docs and _nav.yml for other pages
Variables, such as release version v.list for docs and releases.yml for other pages
Community events on the map events.xml
Video list (outdated) videos.yml


The Kotlin website uses Jinja2 templates from the templates directory. Note that all Markdown files, except for docs, are processed as Jinja templates before HTML conversion. This allows using all Jinja benefits for Markdown (for example, building URLs with the url_for function).


You can contribute to the Kotlin website by sending us a pull request. You can also create a YouTrack issue to discuss your suggestion with the Kotlin team.

For the Kotlin documentation, follow these guidelines on style and formatting.

For other pages, follow the complete syntax reference at the kramdown site. You can also include metadata fields. Learn more about it in the Jekyll docs.

Kotlin User Group

To add a Kotlin User Group (KUG), proceed the following way:

  1. Open the configuration file user-groups.yml.
  2. Find a suitable section among existing ones.
  3. Add into the selected section a new group with the following keys:
    • name, the name of the group.
    • country, the name of the country where the group is located. In the case of a virtual group, please use "International" for that.
    • url, the link to the group's web page.
    • isVirtual, set this key with true value if the group is online only.
    • position, the geo-position of the group, defined by pair of keys: lat and lng. It better to run scripts/user_group.
  4. If the group is not virtual, you also need to specify a group's position. You can do it manually adding position key with the lat and lng values, as next:

     lat: 1.1111111
     lng: 1.1111111

    or, to run the geo script (scripts/user_groups_geolocator.py) that will do it for you. You need to obtain GOOGLE_API_KEY and then run the following script:

    $ GOOGLE_API_KEY="..." python scripts/universities_geolocator.py

    You can find more details about GOOGLE_API_KEY param in this article by Google. The manual way sometimes is better, because it allows you to specify the position more precisely.

You can see the structure and types of the expected configuration in the JSON schema. Once you publish a pull request, the changes will be validated by GitHub Actions Workflow to prevent misconfiguration.

Community Events

To add an event to the Community Events, do the following:

  1. Fill the event info in the events.yml with the next:
    • lang, two-letter code considering ISO 639-1 format.
    • startDate, in the format 'yyyy-mm-dd'.
    • endDate, in the format 'yyyy-mm-dd'. For the on day event fill the same date as in the startDate.
    • location, in the form of 'City, Country'. You can omit it for an online event.
    • online, set this key with true value in case of online event.
    • speaker, the speaker's name.
    • title, event's title.
    • subject, a title of a talk.
    • url, link to the event web page. You can see the structure and types of the expected configuration in the JSON schema.
  2. Publish the changes creating a pull request. The changes will be validated by GitHub Actions Workflow to prevent misconfiguration.

Local deployment

Currently, there is no way to deploy the Kotlin website locally. This ticket tracks the effort of adding support for local testing: KT-47049.

You can contribute to the Kotlin website by sending us a pull request.

Feedback and issues

You can:

Local development

preliminaries: python3 installed

# install frontend dependencies
yarn install

# at first start you need to build the static
yarn run next-build-static

# run NextJS server
yarn run next-dev

# run webpack dev server for everything else
yarn start

# install dependencies for the python server
pip  install --no-build-isolation -r requirements.txt

# run python server
python3 kotlin_website.py

Now you can open the website at http://localhost:9000.

Pages on Next.js

You can find all pages in the pages directory.

Projects structure

Images in Next.js

Notice that using next/image is not possible because Next.js does not support importing images to HTML files (SSG). Use Img and Svg components from "next-optimized-images" instead.


We use Playwright for writing e2e and Screenshot tests. See https://playwright.dev/ for more details.


To run tests locally:

  1. Install supported browsers:

    npx playwright install
  2. Start Dev Server.

Run Tests

There are also additional options to run tests:

To ease the process of adding and maintaining e2e tests:

Write Tests

To write e2e test, create spec file /test/e2e/*your-page*.spec.js.

WebHelp tests

Some e2e tests focus on preventing regressions in the WebHelp components used to build documentation in the /docs section of kotlinlang.org. To run these tests locally, follow the next steps:

  1. Create the dist folder in the project.
  2. Open the last successful build of Reference Docs on TeamCity.
  3. Download the artifacts of this build and place them in the dist folder.
  4. Run the tests locally with the following command yarn run test:e2e
  5. Run the tests in docker container with the following command docker compose -f docker-compose-e2e-statics.yml up --build --exit-code-from playwright

API references tests

Some tests focus on protecting the HTML markup of API references from being corrupted by the KTL components in the Dokka template's extension. To run these tests locally, follow the next steps:

  1. Create the libs folder in the project.
  2. Open the last successful build of each API reference on TeamCity.
  3. Download the artifacts of these builds and place them in the libs folder by their name, for example, kotlinx.coroutines.
  4. Up containers ./scripts/dokka/up.sh.
  5. Run test inside container ./scripts/dokka/run.sh or on the host with one of the scripts below.