@hnarayanan First, thanks for the original script included here!
Currently we use this script to share a spotify account between users. Before meetings however, we want to be able to gracefully fade the music to a low threshhold (zero makes the room feel eerily quiet, heh). This seemed like a graceful way to approach that, but I was curious if you would be interested in including this in the original code?
I had issues running locally, so you may want to pull and verify this works, but it seems as if it would.
@hnarayanan First, thanks for the original script included here!
Currently we use this script to share a spotify account between users. Before meetings however, we want to be able to gracefully fade the music to a low threshhold (zero makes the room feel eerily quiet, heh). This seemed like a graceful way to approach that, but I was curious if you would be interested in including this in the original code? I had issues running locally, so you may want to pull and verify this works, but it seems as if it would.
Thanks again!