hoangvvo / next-connect

The TypeScript-ready, minimal router and middleware layer for Next.js, Micro, Vercel, or Node.js http/http2
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App/Route issue "Promise<unknown>" #241

Open albertpeiro opened 6 months ago

albertpeiro commented 6 months ago

This does not work as documented (in Typescript)

const handler = (): Response => {
  console.log("Hello world!");
  const data = { hello: "world" };
  return Response.json({ data });

const api = Api();

export async function POST(request: NextRequest, ctx: ApiRequestContext) {
  return api.run(request, ctx);

When I run production npm run build I get:

Type error: Route "src/app/api/waitlist/route.ts" has an invalid export:
  "Promise<unknown>" is not a valid POST return type:
    Expected "void | Response | Promise<void | Response>", got "Promise<unknown>".
      Expected "Promise<void | Response>", got "Promise<unknown>".
        Expected "void | Response", got "unknown".

to fix you'll have to as Promise<any>

export async function POST(request: NextRequest, ctx: ApiRequestContext) {
   return api.run(request, ctx) as Promise<any>;

▲ Next.js 14.0.4

Siddharth2212 commented 5 months ago

I am facing same issue after update to next 14

OgDev-01 commented 4 months ago

export async function POST(request: NextRequest, ctx: ApiRequestContext) { return api.run(request, ctx) as Promise; }

Have you considered Promise<NextResponse>. Using any ulters the main purpose of typescript 🤌

OgDev-01 commented 4 months ago

I am facing same issue after update to next 14

This fixed the error for me... Thanks @albertpeiro for this opening this isuse 👍 .

const router = createEdgeRouter<NextRequest, NextResponse>();

  .use((req, res, next) => AuthGuard(req, next))
  .post((req, res, next) => {
    return createProject(req, res);

export async function POST(req: NextRequest, res: NextResponse) {
  return router.run(req, res) as Promise<NextResponse>;

I'll open a PR that updates the Readme for new users to save them from days of debugging 😃

ravidyoeun commented 4 months ago

I am also facing the same issue after upgrading to next 14. Thank you @albertpeiro for showing how to resolve this issue.

chenweigh commented 2 days ago


⨯ Error: No response is returned from route handler '/next-app-demo/app/api/test/route.ts'. Ensure you return a Response or a NextResponse in all branches of your handler.


import { NextResponse, type NextFetchEvent, type NextRequest } from "next/server";
import { createEdgeRouter } from "next-connect";
// import cors from "cors";

interface RequestContext {
  params: {
    id: string;

const router = createEdgeRouter<NextRequest, RequestContext>();

  // A middleware example
  .use(async (req, event, next) => {
    const start = Date.now();
    await next(); // call next in chain
    const end = Date.now();
    console.log(`Request took ${end - start}ms`);
  .get((req) => {
    return NextResponse.json({ data: '111', type: 'get' }, { status: 400 });
  .put((req) => {
    return NextResponse.json({ data: '111', type: 'put' }, { status: 400 });

export async function GET(request: NextRequest, ctx: RequestContext){
  return router.run(request, ctx) as Promise<NextResponse>;

export async function PUT(request: NextRequest, ctx: RequestContext) {
  return router.run(request, ctx) as Promise<NextResponse>;

curl http://localhost:3002/api/test