hobuinc / usgs-lidar

AWS Entwine Point Tiles USGS LiDAR Public Dataset GitHub repo
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Empty/ corrupt data in Indiana #41

Open cpscottasu opened 3 years ago

cpscottasu commented 3 years ago

Hello - I am trying to access the USGS_LPC_IN_ET_B7_Wayne_2012_LAS_2016 dataset in Indiana.

But the pipeline below returns: PDAL: readers.ept: Error reading tile: Could not read from s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/usgs-lidar-public/USGS_LPC_IN_ET_B7_Wayne_2012_LAS_2016/ept-data/1-0-0-1.laz

It looks like the dataset is either corrupt or empty.

This is in Wayne County, Indiana. I get similar errors in many other places in Wayne County as well as Vigo and Wells Counties with the 2011 -2013 datasets.

{ "pipeline":[ { "type": "readers.ept", "filename": "ept://https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/usgs-lidar-public/USGS_LPC_IN_ET_B7_Wayne_2012_LAS_2016", "bounds": "([-9475930, -9473930],[4837791, 4839791])" }, {"type":"filters.reprojection", "in_srs":"EPSG:3857", "out_srs":"EPSG:32616" }, "/data/test.laz" ] }

keythread commented 1 year ago

Both Wayne & Wells datasets have been re-processed under new folder names and the original pipeline works (with the new name):

These folders should be considered deprecated and can be removed from the public dataset: