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upload public key before updating presence #70

Closed kristinew closed 10 years ago

kristinew commented 10 years ago

problem: a client updates its key and sends an updatePresence() with the new keyId (only id not yet the key!) to the server. The server notifies all connected contacts about the update. But the actual update of the key is done within a seperate RPC (updateKey()) afterwards and may not yet be accomplished when the notified (other) clients ask for the new key. Thus, they receive the old key and miss the actual update.

solution: client should upload key before sending updatePresence()

kristinew commented 10 years ago

does not seem to apply on Android, see https://github.com/hoccer/hoccer-talk-spike/blob/master/client/src/main/java/com/hoccer/talk/client/XoClient.java#L1596

kristinew commented 10 years ago

@pavel-mayer fixed same issue on iOS