hodooor / Hodoor

Server side for Hodoor - Casual attendance system
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Issue#79 (OtherUser-swipe-out-buttons) #84

Closed DavidKozina closed 7 years ago

DavidKozina commented 7 years ago

OtherUser-swipe-out buttons for admins

OndrejVicar commented 7 years ago

@DavidKozina pls rebase against master.

OndrejVicar commented 7 years ago

logout Graphical style should be also better. Consult with @patriczek2811 . I would align buttons to right. There should be also some warning that you are going to logout user so noone can accidently logout somebody.

patriczek2811 commented 7 years ago

Good job here boyz,

so if you want to put logout btns to right just add class name: pull-right, this is basic class, exist in CSS style of BS and is written like this: .pull-right { float: right; } on an element, sometimes it could bring another problems and then you have to play with relative elem. positioning. This is little bit harder. So go on and try to add this class. If you will have problems then I can help you with styling.

When you have so huge padding in buttons, just edit btn classes and add class: btn-sm, OR btn-xs, this will size down the buttons.

After you click on this button, call BS modal like @OndrejVicar said, as a warning. Because you cannot log in an user.

Please in every change of style, you HAVE TO test behavior also on small screens (mobile devices, tablets, smart phones etc.). You can easy click on RMB in Chrome... tap to Inspect and then Ctrl+Shift+M for mobile devices.


DavidKozina commented 7 years ago

new commits, new look. Using js onsubmit=confirm, because modals for in-for-created forms are unnecessarily complicated and need javascript anyway

OndrejVicar commented 7 years ago

@DavidKozina try to swipe in many users and post screenshots. I have some problems with this.

OndrejVicar commented 7 years ago

Anyway code looks great.

DavidKozina commented 7 years ago


@OndrejVicar , better?

OndrejVicar commented 7 years ago

Ok nice!

patriczek2811 commented 7 years ago

Good job dude,

so... I think it would be better if these btns shows after mouse over (for admins users of course), after mouse out they will hide. What you think?