Closed zeonn closed 7 years ago
I found the cause. The problem was in line "LOG_STDOUT = True" in file "./open_news/scrapper/" When i changed it on False, or just deleted it, scheduler worked fine. Why? It's broke my mind!
Sorry for ignoring this so long, I had the same behaviour when testing this now and was (still am) as puzzled as you.
I will set the setting to False
in the example project in upcoming v.0.12.2
release and added a note in the docs to avoid further confusion.
Will close this issue anyhow due to relatively low priority. Thanks for reporting!
Trying to test celery scheduler with example project (from this repo).
and after:
nothing more happens... from scrapyd i receive:
and nothing more
Python 2.7.12 amqp==1.4.9 anyjson==0.3.3 attrs==16.2.0 billiard== celery==3.1.17 cffi==1.8.3 cryptography==1.5 cssselect==0.9.2 decorator==4.0.10 Django==1.9 django-celery==3.1.17 django-dynamic-scraper==0.11.2 enum34==1.1.6 future==0.15.2 idna==2.1 ipaddress==1.0.17 jsonpath-rw==1.4.0 kombu==3.0.35 lxml==3.6.4 parsel==1.0.3 Pillow==3.3.1 ply==3.9 pyasn1==0.1.9 pyasn1-modules==0.0.8 pycparser==2.14 PyDispatcher==2.0.5 pyOpenSSL==16.1.0 pytz==2016.6.1 queuelib==1.4.2 Scrapy==1.1.2 scrapy-djangoitem==1.1.1 scrapyd==1.1.0 service-identity==16.0.0 six==1.10.0 Twisted==16.4.1 w3lib==1.15.0 zope.interface==4.3.2