Whilst perusing the generated JS client documentation, I discovered that there's a lot of empty stubs in there. There could be a lot of useful information re: usage in there.
I suspect there needs to be a spike first, to determine how much of the documentation is just stubs or insufficiently filled out content.
Conductor APIs not documented beyond a stub sentence. Tracking in #290.
Types deserve some documentation; at first I think we should point to the Rustdoc similarly to #290.
Interfaces should either be suppressed from generated documentation or have boilerplate text pointing to an implementation (e.g., AppClient.* → AppWebSocket.*)
Whilst perusing the generated JS client documentation, I discovered that there's a lot of empty stubs in there. There could be a lot of useful information re: usage in there.
I suspect there needs to be a spike first, to determine how much of the documentation is just stubs or insufficiently filled out content.