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Problem using json output with ffprobe #36

Closed dmedwards closed 1 year ago

dmedwards commented 1 year ago


I'm using a-Shell mini 1.10.5 and ffprobe does not give the expected output with the -of json flag. What I get is JSON formatting but no keys or values.

Curiously, ffprobe gives the expected output when using the full a-Shell app version 1.10.4.


dmedwards commented 1 year ago

Upon further investigation, the -of json flag worked correctly in a-Shell mini when used by itself. The failure for me comes when I combine it with other flags like:

ffprobe 'filename.mp4' -v error -show_format -show_streams -of json

holzschu commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the report. I found the issue. It will be fixed in version 1.10.6.

dmedwards commented 1 year ago

Thank you!