holzschu / a-Shell-commands

shell commands, pre-compiled to webAssembly, ready to use in a-Shell
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Packages available: Not Found #44

Closed mounta11n closed 5 months ago

mounta11n commented 5 months ago

Hi, whenever I try to install a package or to list the available packages, it returns that no packages are found. I tried a forked repo as $PKG_SERVER but same error. I currently have set it back to $PKG_SERVER=https://github.com/holzschu/a-Shell-commands.

What could be the reason for this behavior? I have to mention that I did not have had all the time this error, since I already have installerd some packages in the past.

Would be very happy for any help

mounta11n commented 5 months ago

Okay I tried the command $ unsetenv PKG_SERVER and now it works again. Now pkg search will list all available packages, but unfortunately it still doesn‘t work if I set another $PKG_SERVER in my .bashrc, even if it is configured back to https://github.com/holzschu/a-Shell-commands. In this case I again have to run $ unsetenv PKG_SERVER.

Therefore I will leave this issue opened as it could really be a bug or something.

holzschu commented 5 months ago

Try unsetenv PKG_SERVER, to get the default value.

The value for $PKG_SERVER must be where the binaries are on the github server, so: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/holzschu/a-Shell-commands/master/

mounta11n commented 5 months ago

It looks like we have posted at the same time. Thanks a lot for your response. That worked well, it even works well with my fork now! : )