honeycombio / otel-o11y-demo

OpenTelemetry Observability Demo Application for learning how OpenTelemetry works
Apache License 2.0
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OTEL Observability Demo

This is a demo app, don't run it in production

This contains a sample application for use in OpenTelemetry Demo. The application is consisted of the following components: architecture


OTEL Observability demo contains many common components of modern microservices architecture application that is consisted of

Using this application as the base, you will be performing various instrumentation to extract telemetry data that will enable Honeycomb to receive those in metrics, logs, and traces, and then be able to provide the wholistic end-to-end investigation to debug the application when an incident occurs.

Running the application

To run this app, you can use GitPod or Codespaces.

GitHub Codespaces setup

Open the repository on GitHub. Open the <> Code dropdown down menu.

Select the Codespaces tab. Create a codespace on main.

GitPod setup

Go to Gitpod to open the repository.

Confirm the workspace creation. You can work in the browser with VS Code Browser or in your local code editor. The default settings are acceptable.

Once you are in the code editor, run docker compose up in the code editor's terminal. To stop running the application, run ctrl+c. Then run docker compose down to remove the container.

Local development setup

You also have the option to run this application locally.

First, clone this repository.

git clone https://github.com/honeycombio/otel-o11y-demo.git

Install Docker: https://docs.docker.com/get-docker/

Update the .env file with your Honeycomb API key:



If you don't have an API key handy, here is the documentation.

Run the app


(This will run docker compose in daemon mode, and build containers.)

Access the app:


After making changes to a service, you can tell it to rebuild just that one:

./run [ waf | web | db | queue | otel-collector | queue-consumer | tier1 | tier2 ]

Try it out

Visit [http://localhost:22022]()

If you are using GitPod, the address may not be localhost. When running, the VSC environment will ask you if you want to expose the ports to public. Select Yes, and you will see the external address and port 22022, to which you can then click the globe icon to show it on a new tab.


Using UI

Press either FAST, SLOW, ERROR button to request service calls that would run fast, slow, or cause error. Response will be shown, which describes how the call was handled, and their results.

Stop the app


Instrumenting the Application

This application is initially left to NOT having any OTEL instrumentation applied in its main branch, therefore not emitting any telemetry data to anywhere. The expectation is that readers of this repo would be able to follow individual instructions of how to instrumenting each layers of the application one by one to achieve the full OTEL instrumentation.

The fully instrumented application should be able to emit the trace looking similar to this:


Aside from the trace, there will be logs and metrics that would get emitted from number of different components. Please refer to the table below on how to apply OTEL instrumentation per each component.

Component Instrumentation instruction Type of Telemetry
WAF README.md trace, log
WEB README.md trace
Tier1 README.md trace
Tier2 README.md trace
Consumer README.md trace
DB README.md metric
MQ README.md metric
OTEL collector README.md trace, metric, log

⚠️ Note If you wish to view the fully instrumented version of the application, you can check out the auto-instrumented branch in this repo which will contain all the instrumentation mentioned in the above readme's implemented.

Accessing the instrumented branch

If you want to skip applying OTEL instrumentation and take a look at fully instrumented version of this demo, you can check out the branch auto-instrumented by running the following github command:

git clone git@github.com:honeycombio/otel-o11y-demo.git
git switch auto-instrumented

Custom instrumenting the Application

In addition to the auto-instrumentation, there are cases where application needs to contain manual instrumentation such as any specific application related information that can greatly enhance the observability. There is a branch called custom-instrumented that is a sub-branch of auto-instrumented which contains all the examples of custom instrumation for the following services:

These custom instrumentations are derived on top of auto-instrumented branch, adding richer spans and attributes which can be critical for observability and debugging purposes. You can also compare the contents on each branches to see how the changes were applied for each branches: