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CONTENT: Create a bio (and pick out a name) for the design mascot, an alpaca #66

Open jennwrites opened 8 years ago

jennwrites commented 8 years ago

Part of https://github.com/hoodiehq/hood.ie/issues/234

:octocat: Starter Issue

We would like to take the opportunity to invite someone who did not yet contribute to Hoodie to work on this issue. Follow @YourFirstPR on Twitter for more of these issues across many open source projects :relaxed:

:pencil2: The Task

In preparation for the Camp Release we are trying to update the hood.ie site. This specific writing task involves adding content to the Hoodie Animals page to give readers a better idea of our revolving cast of animal characters. :dog:

Ping us in the Hoodie Chat or on Twitter if you have any questions :)

gr2m commented 8 years ago

It's an Alpaca, very important :tm: :)

alpaca vs lllama

summerspirit commented 8 years ago

No, they're not at all. Alpacas make the softest softest teddy bears and blankets ever <3 Alpaca fur teddy:


(don't worry - they shear it off like we do with sheep)

matsieftw commented 8 years ago

I'd love to write a bio for an alpaca!!

jennwrites commented 8 years ago

Thanks @matsieftw, I'll assign you to the issue! Let me know if there's anything I can do to help get you started :relaxed:

jennwrites commented 8 years ago

Hey @matsieftw I just wanted to check in with you to see how you're doing with the Alpaca bio :relaxed:

matsieftw commented 8 years ago

@renrutnnej Hey there! Sorry this took me a day to respond. I have a rough draft that I did and am returning to later this afternoon.

matsieftw commented 8 years ago

Hey y'all. I just finished my draft for the design alpaca.


espy commented 8 years ago

Lovely :) Thanks a lot for that. Made a few small suggestions, if that's alright.

Apologies in advance: I'm still totally overthinking the name, wondering if we should allude to some famous painter or designer or someone with a connection to the Andes. Thinking of László (as in Moholy-Nagy ) or Alexander von Humboldt, who explored the Andes. On the other hand, those are two white male Europeans, so that's a bit dull. Alessandro, maybe? Dunno.

Anway, feel free to disregard that whole paragraph :) You invented this Alpaca, you get to name him!

jennwrites commented 8 years ago

I'm working on getting this bio onto the editorial calendar so we can release it @matsieftw ☺️

matsieftw commented 8 years ago

Oh wow. Great. Let me know if there's anything I can do.