hoppfrosch / WindowPadX

Enhancements on original WindowPad (by Lexikos)
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Question - maximize window across 2 out of 3 monitors #19

Open asrjcb opened 7 years ago

asrjcb commented 7 years ago

Hi - I'm a newbie and not sure this is the right place to ask. I love windowpad and windowpadx. Can someone help me with a command/script to maximize a window across only monitors 2 & 3 of a three monitor set-up? I tried to use WPXA_FillVirtualScreen but it maximizes across all 3 monitors. I only want it to maximize on monitor #2 and monitor #3, not monitor #1. Thanks for any help.

godey4me commented 6 years ago

Hi, Maybe this will help. I had been using this to maximize across two monitors. I only have two. `; Maximize horizontally across monitors ; ===============================================================================


{ WinGetActiveTitle, Title WinRestore, %Title% SysGet, Mon1, MonitorWorkArea, 1 SysGet, Mon2, MonitorWorkArea, 2 Monitor1Width := Mon1Right - Mon1Left Monitor2Width := Mon2Right - Mon2Left MonitorsWidth := Monitor1Width + Monitor2Width Monitor1Height := Mon1Buttom - Mon1Top WinMove, %Title%,, %Mon1Left%, %Mon1Top%, %MonitorsWidth%, %A_ScreenHeight% return }
