hoppfrosch / WindowPadX

Enhancements on original WindowPad (by Lexikos)
224 stars 42 forks source link

Fix detailed documentation github URL link #29

Closed darthwalsh closed 6 months ago

darthwalsh commented 3 years ago

From hoppfrosch.github.com:

If you're the owner of this site, please update your links to use hoppfrosch.github.io instead. Subdomains of github.com are deprecated for GitHub Pages. They will not redirect to github.io after April 15, 2021.

samkatakouzinos commented 3 years ago

Nice catch! Please extend this update to the About section hyperlink as well.

darthwalsh commented 3 years ago

@samkatakouzinos Good point! But somebody will need to manually change the About metadata using the GitHub UI (it's not file content I can change from a PR).