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option to extract exhausted masks from a hashcat logfile #7

Open roycewilliams opened 4 years ago

roycewilliams commented 4 years ago

Option to extract masks with a specific exit status from a hashcat potfile. The exit status could be an optional parameter, with exhausted masks (status 5) the default.

In other words, the Rust equivalent of this crude shell example, which extracts all exhausted masks (status 5):

$ egrep -h "mask_ctx->mask|status-after-work" ~/.hashcat/sessions/blah*.log \
    | cut -f3- \
    | egrep -B 1 'status-after-work.*5$' \
    | grep '>mask' \
    | awk '{print $2}'

It would also be useful if multiple logfiles (globbed) could be accepted.