horseee / LLM-Pruner

[NeurIPS 2023] LLM-Pruner: On the Structural Pruning of Large Language Models. Support LLaMA, Llama-2, BLOOM, Vicuna, Baichuan, etc.
Apache License 2.0
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baichuan bloom chatglm compression language-model llama llama-2 llm neurips-2023 pruning pruning-algorithms vicuna


License: Apache 2.0 PyTorch>=v1.7.1 LLaMA Llama-2 Vicuna BLOOM chatGLM Baichuan

On the Structural Pruning of Large Language Models

:llama: :llama: :llama: :llama: :llama: Compress your LLMs to any size! :llama: :llama: :llama: :llama: :llama:



LLM-Pruner: On the Structural Pruning of Large Language Models [arXiv]
Xinyin Ma, Gongfan Fang, Xinchao Wang
National University of Singapore

Why LLM-Pruner

Supported LLMs:


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Table of Contents

Quick Start


pip install -r requirement.txt

Minimal Example

bash script/

This script would compress the LLaMA-7B model with ~20\% parameters pruned. All the pre-trained models and the dataset would be automatically downloaded, so you do not need to manually download the resource. When running this script for the first time, it will require some time to download the model and the dataset.

Step-by-step Instructions

It takes three steps to prune an LLM:

After pruning and post-training, we follow lm-evaluation-harness for evaluation.

1. Pruning (Discovery Stage + Estimation Stage)

:llama: LLaMA/Llama-2 pruning with ~20% parameters pruned:

python --pruning_ratio 0.25 \
      --block_wise \
      --block_mlp_layer_start 4 --block_mlp_layer_end 30 \
      --block_attention_layer_start 4 --block_attention_layer_end 30 \
      --pruner_type taylor \
      --test_after_train \
      --device cpu  --eval_device cuda \
      --save_ckpt_log_name llama_prune 


:llama: Vicuna Pruning

If you want to try Vicuna, please specify the argument --base_model to the path to vicuna weight. Please follow to get Vicuna weights.

python --pruning_ratio 0.25 \
      --block_wise \
      --block_mlp_layer_start 4 --block_mlp_layer_end 30 \
      --block_attention_layer_start 4 --block_attention_layer_end 30 \
      --pruner_type taylor \
      --test_after_train \
      --device cpu  --eval_device cuda \
      --save_ckpt_log_name llama_prune \
      --base_model PATH_TO_VICUNA_WEIGHTS

:llama: Baichuan Pruning

Please refer to the Example/Baichuan for more details

:llama: ChatGLM Pruning

Comming Soon...

2. Post-Training (Recover Stage)

Tip: Training LLaMA-2 in float16 is not recommended and is known to produce nan; as such, the model should be trained in bfloat16.

3. Generation

How to load pruned/pre-trained models:

For the pruned model, simply use the following command to load your model.

  pruned_dict = torch.load(YOUR_CHECKPOINT_PATH, map_location='cpu')
  tokenizer, model = pruned_dict['tokenizer'], pruned_dict['model']

Due to the different configurations between modules in the pruned model, where certain layers may have larger width while others have undergone more pruning, it becomes impractical to load the model using the .from_pretrained() as provided by Hugging Face. Currently, we employ the to store the pruned model.

Since the pruned model has different configuration in each layer, like some layers might be wider but some layers have been pruned more, the model cannot be loaded with the .from_pretrained() in Hugging Face. Currently, we simply use the to save the pruned model and torch.load to load the pruned model.

Generation with Gradio Interface

We provide a simple script to geneate texts using pre-trained / pruned models / pruned models with post-training.

The above instructions will deploy your LLMs locally.

4. Evaluation

For evaluating the performance of the pruned model, we follow lm-evaluation-harness to evaluate the model:

[Update]: We upload a script to simply the evaluation process if you want to evaluate the pruned model with the tuned checkpoint. Simply use the following command:


Replace the necessary information of your model in the command. The final one is used to iterate over different epochs if you want to evaluate several checkpoints in one command. For example:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=1 bash scripts/ decapoda-research/llama-7b-hf tune_log/llama_7B_hessian prune_log/llama_prune_7B 200 1000 2000

5. Testing MACs, Params and Memory

Zero-shot Evaluation

A brief quantitative results for LLaMA-7B:

The results for Vicuna-7B:

The results for ChatGLM-6B:

Statistics for pruned models:

Results of LLM-Pruner with 2.59M samples: Pruning Ratio #Param Memory Latency Speedup BoolQ PIQA HellaSwag WinoGrande ARC-e ARC-c OBQA Average
LLaMA-7B 6.74B 12884.5MiB 69.32s 1x 73.18 78.35 72.99 67.01 67.45 41.38 42.40 63.25
LLaMA-5.4B with Alpaca(50k) 5.47B 10488.4MiB 58.55s 1.18x 64.62 77.20 68.80 63.14 64.31 36.77 39.80 59.23
LLaMA-5.4B with LaMini(2.59M) 5.47B 10488.4MiB 58.55s 1.18x 76.57 77.37 66.60 65.82 70.62 40.70 38.80 62.36

More results can be found in the paper.

More Examples

Original Model Output Pruned Model Output
LLaMa-7B The universe is the entirety of space, time, matter, and energy that exists. It includes all matter and energy, whether visible or not, and in fact the whole universe is invisible. There are many theories regarding its origin and ultimate fate... LLaMa-5.4B The universe is the entirety of space, time, matter, and energy that exists. The laws that make up physics — electrons orbiting atoms, magnets attracting other objects, planets orbiting the Sun—have been consistent over ...
Vicuna-7B 10 steps to build an ios app: 1. Research and develop the idea. 2. Decide on the platform you want to use (iOS, Android, or both). 3. Create a plan and budget. 4. Hire a team of developers. 5. Design the user interface (UI). 6. Develop the user interface (UI). 7. Test and iterate on the app. 8. Submit the app to the app store. 9. Optimize the app for performance and user experience (UX). 10. Market and promote the app. Vicuna-5.4B 10 steps to build an ios app: 1. Plan your app: decide what it should do, what it will look like, and what it will cost to build it. 2. Hire a developer: A good iOS developer will help you design the user interface, create the app, and make sure it’s bug-free. 3. Create a user interface: This is where the magic happens. Your app’s user interface will be designed and mocked up at this point...
ChatGLM-6B Write a poetry about love and peace. In the midst of life's hustle and bustle, I find your love a soothing peace. It is a feeling that cannot be conveyed, A connection that cannot be distanced. With your smile, your eyes, your embrace, I feel a sense of belonging that only you can give. It is a love that lasts forever, A love that cannot be defeat... ChatGLM-5.6B Write a poetry about love and peace. Love and peace, two such wonderful things\ A pure and endless desire in my heart\ And both of them, I must seek for\ A long, long time, I know..\ Love, I know, is a feeling of being\ A perfect partner, in every sense\ And peace, I need it, so much, one day\ A long, long way, my heart will go..

Version Information

Due to changes in the versions of models and repos used in this project, we listed some known version issues and the specific versions needed to reproduce our method:

  1. lm-eval-harness: We use this commit of lm-evaluation-harness, and the code is also included in this repo. Please check Issue #25 for details.
  2. LLaMA1-7B: We use the checkpoint of decapoda-research/llama-7b-hf in our experiments, which is not available now. Please consider using the copied version, e.g.,baffo32/decapoda-research-llama-7B-hf.




If you find this project useful, please cite

  title={LLM-Pruner: On the Structural Pruning of Large Language Models},
  author={Xinyin Ma and Gongfan Fang and Xinchao Wang},
  booktitle={Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems},
  title={DepGraph: Towards Any Structural Pruning},
  author={Fang, Gongfan and Ma, Xinyin and Song, Mingli and Mi, Michael Bi and Wang, Xinchao},
  journal={The IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},