hotNipi / node-red-contrib-ui-artless-gauge

Node-RED dashboard widget, gauge with minimal design
MIT License
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Selecting 'Tickmarks' causes dashboard to hang in Safari - works fine in Chrome and FireFox #16

Open juggledad opened 3 years ago

juggledad commented 3 years ago

macOS Mojave 10.14.6 Safari 14.0 12 Nov 04:58:23 - [info] Node-RED version: v1.1.3 12 Nov 04:58:23 - [info] Node.js version: v12.13.0 Dashboard version 2.23.4 node-red-contrib-ui-artless-gauge v0.1.48

How to reproduce 1) add node-red-contrib-ui-artless-gauge to a new flow 2) set the 'Tab' ad 'Group' to the default 3) Deploy and go to dashboard - the node will show up 4) close the dashboard window 5) click the "Tickmarks' option 6) deploy and go to the dashboard at this point (using Activity Monitor) Safari jumps to 100% cpu usage and after closing the dashboard window, the node-red editor window is blank and must be closed and opened back to the editor.

hotNipi commented 3 years ago

Thank you for reporting. As I don't have any mac device, the fix will not be quick one.

If you can do one more test for me I may have more clues for investigation.

What happens if newly added gauge has tick marks configured at first deploy.

juggledad commented 3 years ago

that causes it t hang.

However, I found something that may help. If I have an inject node send a numeric value to the gauge on deploy, it works fine. It only hangs when nothing is sent to the node and I go to the dashboard.

FreeTechNick commented 3 years ago

I have a similar problem with Safari on macOS an iOS. The radial gauge is working, but if i have one or more linear gauges Safari doesn't show the NodeRed UI. In Chrome it is working.

juggledad commented 3 years ago

@FreeTechNick uncheck the "Tickmarks' option and see if it works

FreeTechNick commented 3 years ago

@juggledad No change, not working in Safari and working in Chrome as before.

hotNipi commented 3 years ago

@juggledad can you confirm that radial layout works and issue is only with the linear layout

juggledad commented 3 years ago

@hotNipi - I can confirm it works with radial.

hotNipi commented 3 years ago

Hi @juggledad and @FreeTechNick
I found something with potential risk for safari, fixed it and released patch. Can you please update to 0.2.1 , try and give me feedback is there is any change.

juggledad commented 3 years ago

@hotNipi Yeah!!! that fixed it for me.

Oops, spoke too soon. While my test in the first post works, the original flow still fails and hangs Safari

hotNipi commented 3 years ago

Try to clear browser cahce

If you can, share the original flow (possible part of it) where you use artless gauge(s) for me to investigate per widget configuration if there can be something ...

juggledad commented 3 years ago

I just played again, clearng the cache and having 1 occurance and it works. If I add two more occurances it still hangs.

FreeTechNick commented 3 years ago

@hotNipi Here it is the same working with one and not with more.

hotNipi commented 3 years ago

Hi @juggledad and @FreeTechNick again Some more modifications made to catch the issue. I know it is a pain to deal with the thing which kills your browser but what can I do : ( New version available 0.2.2 Any feedback appreciated.

FreeTechNick commented 3 years ago

@hotNipi No change. Still the same situation.

hotNipi commented 3 years ago

Sad. I'm running out of ideas.

FreeTechNick commented 3 years ago

can we do any debugging

hotNipi commented 3 years ago

As far I know the safari tends to kill the debugging tools with browser window so for such issues there is only one way to debug. Turn off most and start to add functionality one by one until the issue reveals. I'd do this immediately if I had any ios device. Cant figure out is there some ways to do this kind of work with shared sources.

hotNipi commented 3 years ago

Hi @juggledad and @FreeTechNick again Would you please try again with v0.3.2 I may be found something... not sure but promising.

FreeTechNick commented 3 years ago

I just tested it with 0.3.3 but no Change in Safari (Mac) only one linear gauge is working and with more the UI is not working. In Chrome it is working without problems

hotNipi commented 3 years ago

Thanks for testing it. Sad there was no improvements.