So I added vite from pentatrion after updating symfony from 5.4 to 6.4 to modernize company application. However stimulus keeps being added to alot of files and it causes errors if the file starts with u because it inserts \u.
This is what's being inserted when running vite
if ( { => {
if (!window.$$stimulusApp$$) {
console.warn('Stimulus app not available. Are you creating app with startStimulusApp() ?');;
} else {
window.$$stimulusApp$$.register('vendor\symfony\ux-vue\assets\dist\render', newModule.default);
My vue components are not displayed as well using vue_component I have to manually createApp and mount it and disabling stimulus breaks everythings. My office pc is running windows.
If this is not the right place I'm sorry and let me know where I should paste it instead. Thanks!
So I added vite from pentatrion after updating symfony from 5.4 to 6.4 to modernize company application. However stimulus keeps being added to alot of files and it causes errors if the file starts with u because it inserts \u.
This is what's being inserted when running vite
This is my vite.config.js
the part in app.js
I don't remember this but must've been from recipes
My vue components are not displayed as well using vue_component I have to manually createApp and mount it and disabling stimulus breaks everythings. My office pc is running windows.
If this is not the right place I'm sorry and let me know where I should paste it instead. Thanks!