houzi- / tomato-shadowsocks

Automatic deployment ShadowSocks script on tomato
GNU General Public License v3.0
43 stars 14 forks source link

6.1 - Mispel on RT-N66U (Shibby 136) 脚本运行失败 #22

Closed ungo918 closed 8 years ago

ungo918 commented 8 years ago


Router: ASUS RT-N66U Firmware: tomato-K26USB-1.28.RT-N5x-MIPSR2-136-AIO-64K JFFS: Enabled


root@unknown:/tmp/home/root#` chmod +x /tmp/shadowsocks
root@unknown:/tmp/home/root# /tmp/shadowsocks -su
 INFO:  Creating in...
Connecting to pkg.entware.net (
-                    100% |*******************************|  1359   0:00:00 ETA
Info: Creating folders...
Info: Deploying opkg package manager...
Downloading /opt/bin/opkg... success!
Downloading /opt/etc/opkg.conf... success!
Downloading /opt/etc/profile... success!
Downloading /opt/etc/init.d/rc.func... success!
Downloading /opt/etc/init.d/rc.unslung... success!
Info: Basic packages installation...
Downloading http://pkg.entware.net/binaries/mipsel/Packages.gz.
Updated list of available packages in /opt/var/opkg-lists/entware-ng.
Installing ldconfig (1.0.13-3) to root...
Downloading http://pkg.entware.net/binaries/mipsel/ldconfig_1.0.13-3_mipselsf.ip                                                                                        k.
Installing findutils (4.6.0-1) to root...
Downloading http://pkg.entware.net/binaries/mipsel/findutils_4.6.0-1_mipselsf.ip                                                                                        k.
Installing libc (1.0.13-3) to root...
Downloading http://pkg.entware.net/binaries/mipsel/libc_1.0.13-3_mipselsf.ipk.
Installing libgcc (5.3.0-3) to root...
Downloading http://pkg.entware.net/binaries/mipsel/libgcc_5.3.0-3_mipselsf.ipk.
Installing libssp (5.3.0-3) to root...
Downloading http://pkg.entware.net/binaries/mipsel/libssp_5.3.0-3_mipselsf.ipk.
Configuring ldconfig.
Configuring libgcc.
Configuring libc.
Configuring libssp.
Configuring findutils.

Congratulations! If there are no errors above then Entware-ng is successfully initialized.

Found a Bug? Please report at https://github.com/Entware-ng/Entware-ng/issues

Type 'opkg install <pkg_name>' to install necessary package.

[: /tmp/shadowsocks-libev_2.4.6-RE_mipselsf.ipk: unknown operand
 You do not import the entire IPK!


root@unknown:/tmp/home/root# /tmp/shadowsocks -su
 SHADOWSOCKS already installed!
ls: chinadns: No such file or directory
ls: Pcap_DNSProxy: No such file or directory
ls: ss-redir: No such file or directory
ls: resolvip: No such file or directory
ls: pdnsd-ctl: No such file or directory
ls: diff: No such file or directory
ls: dnscrypt-proxy: No such file or directory
ls: curl: No such file or directory
ls: crontab: No such file or directory
ls: bash: No such file or directory
/tmp/shadowsocks: line 1433: diff: not found
 Please install the following software:
houzi- commented 8 years ago


ungo918 commented 8 years ago


  1. 如果装了一半抽风了导致运行失败,有什么办法可以重新安装吗?目前我都是整个tomato重刷一遍,非常费时麻烦
  2. 我有个pptp vpn,但设了vpn client以后,看似状态也是连接了,但实际连网还在墙内


houzi- commented 8 years ago


ungo918 commented 8 years ago

谢谢你的提示,但我把jffs底下的/jffs底下都删了,还是有一样的错误,请问还有那些目录要删吗? 另外,抽风的问题我想用PPTP VPN Client来解决,配好了以后看起来是连上了,但是试了下google都还是连不上,请问是我少配了什么吗?


On Jul 02, 2016, at 08:37 PM, hackshell notifications@github.com wrote:

如果安装失败不用重新刷写,只要把脚本安装的所在分区删除即可! — You are receiving this because you authored the thread. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or mute the thread.

ungo918 commented 8 years ago


抱歉再次打扰你,我想问一下以下错误信息是否说明我的JFFS空间不够? 但奇怪的是我的朋友也是用RT-N66U,但他可以成功跑完…


root@unknown:/tmp/home/root# chmod +x /tmp/shadowsocks root@unknown:/tmp/home/root# /tmp/shadowsocks -su INFO: Creating in... Connecting to pkg.entware.net (

Congratulations! If there are no errors above then Entware-ng is successfully in itialized.

Found a Bug? Please report at https://github.com/Entware-ng/Entware-ng/issues

Type 'opkg install ' to install necessary package.

Installing chinadns (1.3.2) to root... Installing pdnsd (1.2.9-e02a81d9e63927e93dc49d218535c880623bcd77) to root... Installing libpthread (1.0.13-3) to root... Downloading http://pkg.entware.net/binaries/mipsel/libpthread_1.0.13-3_mipselsf. ipk. Installing pcap_dnsproxy ( to root... Installing libsodium (1.0.10-1) to root... Downloading http://pkg.entware.net/binaries/mipsel/libsodium_1.0.10-1_mipselsf.i pk. Installing libpcap (1.7.4-1) to root... Downloading http://pkg.entware.net/binaries/mipsel/libpcap_1.7.4-1_mipselsf.ipk. Installing libstdcpp (5.3.0-3) to root... Downloading http://pkg.entware.net/binaries/mipsel/libstdcpp_5.3.0-3_mipselsf.ip k. Installing resolvip (0.1) to root... Unknown package 'shadowsocks'. Installing shadowsocks-libev (2.4.6-RE) to root... Installing diffutils (3.3-3-DEV) to root... Installing dnscrypt-proxy (1.6.1-DEV) to root... Installing curl (7.47.2-DEV) to root... Installing dnsmasq (2.7.5) to root... Installing cron (4.1-2) to root... Installing zoneinfo-asia (2016b-1) to root... Installing bash (4.3.42-1a) to root... Downloading http://pkg.entware.net/binaries/mipsel/bash_4.3.42-1a_mipselsf.ipk. Installing libncurses (6.0-1) to root... Downloading http://pkg.entware.net/binaries/mipsel/libncurses_6.0-1_mipselsf.ipk . Installing terminfo (6.0-1) to root... Downloading http://pkg.entware.net/binaries/mipsel/terminfo_6.0-1_mipselsf.ipk. Configuring terminfo. Configuring shadowsocks-libev. Configuring libpthread. Configuring diffutils. Configuring libsodium. Configuring libpcap. Configuring libstdcpp. Configuring pcap_dnsproxy. Configuring libncurses. Configuring bash. Configuring cron. Configuring dnscrypt-proxy. Configuring zoneinfo-asia. Configuring dnsmasq. Configuring pdnsd. Configuring chinadns. Configuring curl. Configuring resolvip. Collected errors:

  • opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package shadowsocks. SHADOWSOCKS script installed successfully! cp: write error: No space left on device PLATFORM: PASS. /tmp/shadowsocks: line 1433: can't create /opt/etc/init.d/auto.run: No space lef t on device /tmp/shadowsocks: line 1433: can't create /opt/etc/init.d/auto.run: No space lef t on device /tmp/shadowsocks: line 1433: can't create /opt/etc/init.d/auto.run: No space lef t on device /tmp/shadowsocks: line 1433: can't create /opt/etc/init.d/auto.run: No space lef t on device /tmp/shadowsocks: line 1433: can't create /opt/etc/init.d/auto.run: No space lef t on device /tmp/shadowsocks: line 1433: can't create /opt/etc/init.d/auto.run: No space lef t on device /tmp/shadowsocks: line 1433: can't create /opt/etc/init.d/auto.run: No space lef t on device /tmp/shadowsocks: line 1433: can't create /opt/etc/init.d/auto.run: No space lef t on device /tmp/shadowsocks: line 1433: can't create /opt/etc/init.d/auto.run: No space lef t on device /tmp/shadowsocks: line 1433: can't create /opt/etc/init.d/auto.run: No space lef t on device /tmp/shadowsocks: line 1433: can't create /opt/etc/init.d/auto.run: No space lef t on device /tmp/shadowsocks: line 1433: can't create /opt/etc/init.d/auto.run: No space lef t on device /tmp/shadowsocks: line 1433: can't create /opt/etc/init.d/auto.run: No space lef t on device /tmp/shadowsocks: line 1433: can't create /opt/etc/init.d/auto.run: No space lef t on device chmod: /opt/etc/init.d/auto.run: No such file or directory ln: /opt/bin/auto.run: No space left on device SHADOWSOCKS: PASS. MOUNT: PASS. DNSMASQ: PASS. ZONEINFO_ASIA: PASS. DEPENDENCE: PASS.

    Please input your shadowsocks account information: (Your Server IP): (Your Server Port): (Your Local Port): (Your Password): (Your Encryption Method):aes-256-cfb

    Please confirm your shadowsocks information: Your Server IP:  Your Server Port:  Your Server Port:  Your Password:  Your Encryption Method: aes-256-cfb

    /tmp/shadowsocks: line 1433: can't create /opt/var/log/resolvip_tmp.txt: No spac e left on device cat: can't open '/opt/var/log/resolvip_tmp.txt': No such file or directory [: 202: unknown operand /tmp/shadowsocks: line 1433: can't create /opt/var/log/resolvip.txt: No space le ft on device sed: /opt/var/log/resolvip.txt: No such file or directory WARNING: Can not write the configuration information, please re-enter your: shadowsocks set_up

On Jul 02, 2016, at 08:37 PM, hackshell notifications@github.com wrote:

如果安装失败不用重新刷写,只要把脚本安装的所在分区删除即可! — You are receiving this because you authored the thread. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or mute the thread.

ungo918 commented 8 years ago

我试着插USB,但按照教程的方式格式化为ext3/4后,挂载不上router...,插回windows / mac都无法格式化,真是每条路都被断呀...


houzi- commented 8 years ago
