hputnam / Moorea_Pocillopora

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Seasonal patterns of Pocillopora spp physiology and gametogenesis in Moorea, French Polynesia

Pocillopora spp. were sampled in Mo'orea, French Polynesia across 2022 for adult physiology and gametogenesis on the northshore backreef (Mahana: 17°29'12.5"S 149°53'16.1"W) and foreef (Ōpūnohu Bay: 17°29'07.1"S 149°51'30.3"W) sites. Starting in January 2022 on the backreef and February 2022 on the forereef, 10 Pocillopora spp. colonies per site were tagged and then sampled monthly until November 2022. Coral physiological measurements including symbiont density, chlorophyll concentration, soluble protein, tissue biomass, and surface area were measured each month for each tagged colony. Additionally, samples were fixed and prepared for histological analysis to quanitfy gameotgenesis and the size and stage of gametes.

Data Tracking

All data will be updated to this GitHub repo and uploaded to the Pocillopora_Sampling_Google_Drive. A freezer list for all samples can be found here.

Photographic Data

Photos for each colony each month and scanned images of all histological slides can be found at OSF Repository