hraban / cl-containers

Containers Library for Common Lisp
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To what extent quadtree implementation is complete? #9

Open bigos opened 7 years ago

bigos commented 7 years ago

Can you provide tests showing example use?

I do not understand how adding items works. I got some strange errors trying to pass cons as an item.

fare commented 7 years ago

cl-containers is not actively maintained. Do you have a test case showing what you get vs what you expect?

bigos commented 7 years ago

I do not have a test case but I have created a quadtree and then ran insert-item. I have tried integer and cons as an item and realised it doesn't work. I guess I need an example of correct quadtree usage.

I was trying to use this project as a dependency for another library. I wonder if it is better to lift some of the code from here or start everything from scratch myself?

sirherrbatka commented 7 years ago

Hey, fare. If this is not actively managed project, do you mind If i take it and start refactoring into my own library? We are trying to agregate few data structure libraries under one generic api for CL. Right now we are in the early stage but we do have implementation of HAMT (functional hash table used in clojure and scala) right here: Most of code in cl-containers looks fine, if we could reuse it, we could save some time on rewritting various data structures.

gwkkwg commented 7 years ago

Hi Marek,

I would be fine with you using any of the CL-Containers code. As Faré said, I'm not able to actively maintain it anymore.

gwkkwg commented 7 years ago

As to the quad-trees, I'm not sure. It was implemented by a former co-worker and used in projects with which I was not involved.

fare commented 7 years ago

cl-containers is free software under MIT style license, so you are of course welcome to lift any code from it (preserving the license, etc., if for significant chunks).

I myself have another project, lisp-interface-library, for implementing datastructures "the right way", with common interfaces for the pure and stateful variants of each data structure. I do not actively develop it at this time, but I still accept patch, provide guidance, etc.: It does not have quad-trees yet.