Open Yang-Tang opened 9 years ago
In tau_bar(x, y, color, size, horizontal), is it possible to disable dodge or use tau_stacked_bar() automatically, if color==x or (horizontal==T && color==y)
For example: mtcars %>% dplyr::mutate(cyl=factor(cyl)) %>% tauchart() %>% tau_bar('cyl', 'mpg', 'cyl')
In tau_bar(x, y, color, size, horizontal), is it possible to disable dodge or use tau_stacked_bar() automatically, if color==x or (horizontal==T && color==y)
For example: mtcars %>% dplyr::mutate(cyl=factor(cyl)) %>% tauchart() %>% tau_bar('cyl', 'mpg', 'cyl')