hrbrmstr / taucharts

:bar_chart: An R htmlwidget interface to the TauCharts javascript library
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tau_title() in rdocument/rmarkdown displays plots in viewer pane #79

Open vinaychuri opened 4 years ago

vinaychuri commented 4 years ago

Hi Team, I am using the example given in the help section of tau_title() within a rdocument as follows: tauchart(mtcars) %>% tau_point("mpg", "wt") %>% tau_guide_y(auto_scale=FALSE) %>% tau_title("Some Really Good Plot Title", "font-weight:bold;margin:auto;text-align:center;font-size:24px; color:#7f7f7f;font-family:sans-serif")

This does not show the plot inline within the rdocument but opens the Viewer pane of RStudio.

While the following code displays the plot inline. tauchart(mtcars) %>% tau_point("mpg", "wt") %>% tau_guide_y(auto_scale=FALSE)

Am i doing something incorrect or is there some parameter i need to set to display my plots with title inline within the rdocument?

The help file does mention it as "This is most certainly a temporary hack."
