hrynko / vue-pdf-embed

PDF embed component for Vue 2 and Vue 3
MIT License
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Zooming creates issues with centering of the document #117

Closed sushi2all closed 1 year ago

sushi2all commented 1 year ago

Thanks so much for your work @hrynko!

I'm having issues with a zoom feature, which essentially increases or decreases the width of the document by a given factor.

It works in the sense that the document does zoom in/out, but when the width gets larger than the container the document can be scrolled to its end on the right, but it gets cut on the left, I can scroll to the end of it.

Any idea of why this happens?

I'm using Vue3 with Quasar framework. Here's the code:

  <!-- This is one of my own custom component --> 
  <BaseModalScreen :show="show" @close="$emit('close')">

    <template #header>
      <div class="q-ml-md q-py-xs medium highlight">
        {{ media_name }}

    <template #content>
      <div class="fit flex flex-center" style="background-color: ;">
        <q-img fit="contain"

        <!-- HERE IS THE PDF PART -->

        <!-- ZOOM IN/OUT BUTTONS -->
        <q-page-sticky position="top-right" :offset="[35, 0]">
          <div class="column q-gutter-md">
            padding="sm sm"
            padding="sm sm"


import VuePdfEmbed from 'vue-pdf-embed'
import BaseModalScreen from '@/components/BaseModalScreen.vue'

export default {

  name: 'MediaViewer',

  components: {

  props: ['show', 'media_name', 'media_src'],

  data() {
    return {
      image_extensions: ['png', 'jpeg', 'jpg'],
      doc_width: 800,

  methods: {
    hasImageExtension() {
      // Source can be either image or pdf. Figures out which it is
      return this.media_src
        ? this.image_extensions.some( e => this.media_src.endsWith(e) )
        : null

    zoomIn() {
      this.doc_width = this.doc_width * 1.2

    zoomOut() {
      this.doc_width = this.doc_width / 1.2

  created() {
    this.doc_width = Math.min(this.$q.screen.width * .8, 1200)

<style lang="css">
.vue-pdf-embed > div {
  margin-bottom: 8px;
  box-shadow: 0 2px 8px 4px rgba(0,0,0,.1);
hrynko commented 1 year ago

Hi @sushi2all,

I assume some problems with the wrapper, although I can't be sure without knowing your environment. Could you maybe prepare a sample in some online editor?

sushi2all commented 1 year ago

Hi @hrynko, sorry for the late reply. It was indeed an issue with the wrapper.

I won't be pasting the updated code since it uses my own Vue components and would make little sense to others, but to make a long story short, I added an absolute positioned div right outside the actual wrapper div and the issue disappeared.

Closing the issue.