hsuehkuan-lu / sentiment-classification

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DVC pipeline visualization #1

Open simonlsk opened 2 years ago

simonlsk commented 2 years ago

Hey, this is a really cool project. I was looking for projects with interesting dvc pipelines and found yours. I was wondering if you heard about DagsHub? It’s like GitHub for data science built on top of Git + DVC. I connected your project and you can check out the interactive pipeline here. Would be happy to transfer project ownership if you want.


hsuehkuan-lu commented 2 years ago

Hello, first thank you for visiting my project! This project was proposed with MLOps pipelines, since I was researching the toolkits for Machine Learning projects.

That's pretty cool about the visualization of dvc dags, since I was wondering if there is a visualization tool of dvc pipelines, and I was obsessed with the results you provided.

I've heard of DagsHub, and I already registered the account on the it, I'm sure I'll give it a try in my next project.

As to the ownership, I'm ok with you keeping it.