hteumeuleu / email-bugs

Email quirks and bugs
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Gmail's dark mode #68

Open hteumeuleu opened 4 years ago

hteumeuleu commented 4 years ago

Here are a few tweets courtesy of email developer Gary Wesolowski.

One major issue I've seen so far affects emails that already have a dark background. These are being converted to a light theme look 🤔

Netflix email being altered by Gmail's dark mode

Definitely some colour inversion filter on PNG images. Really visible on the flags in Duolingo email

Flag colors being altered by Gmail's dark mode

I still don't have the dark theme option on my account so I can't have a deeper look at this right now.

hteumeuleu commented 4 years ago

Here are a few more examples courtesy of @Sayo1337 on Slack.

Examples of accessibility issues where text in images become hard to read:

Firefox Email on Acid Creativepool

Examples where the design and branding becomes off because of the colors changing:

Quidco Really Good Emails Sainsbury's bank

hteumeuleu commented 4 years ago

Here are some more examples shared by @jeffclayton on Slack.

Pizza Hut Whole Foods Market Schnuks

Quoting Jeff on Slack:

Here's another example where brand colors are actively being changed by Gmail (from red to pink). That's not okay.

Firehouse Subs

M-J-Robbins commented 4 years ago

One more example for you, this one uses light text on a dark background image

image image image

Source email

M-J-Robbins commented 4 years ago

I've also run a test to see the difference in contrast dark mode has on text.

Here's the original code

<div style="background:#000000;color:#FFFFFF;">test1</div>
<div style="background:#303030;color:#F5F5F5;">test2</div>
<div style="background:#606060;color:#D3D3D3;">test3</div>
<div style="background:#888888;color:#B0B0B0;">test4</div>
<div style="background:#B0B0B0;color:#888888;">test5</div>
<div style="background:#D3D3D3;color:#606060;">test6</div>
<div style="background:#F5F5F5;color:#303030;">test7</div>
<div style="background:#FFFFFF;color:#000000;">test8</div>

Now comparing the contrast of that to the output of Gmail and dark mode

  Original Gmail Outlook
test1 21 16.25 21
test2 12.11 9.95 12.11
test3 4.2 4.13 3.61
test4 1.63 1.63 2.39
test5 1.63 1.63 3.63
test6 4.2 4.13 4.95
test7 12.11 9.95 8.85
test8 21 16.25 12.63
hteumeuleu commented 4 years ago

Another example from thanks to @Sayo1337:

Pizza Hut

The Medium logo is almost invisible here.

adrianthomas commented 4 years ago

Has anyone figured out a way to opt out of this behaviour?

ComputerTinker commented 4 years ago

Running into a strange issue where Gmail (2019.11.03.280318276.release) on Android 10 (QQ1A.191205.017) seems to be completely eliminating my background texture in dark mode and using pure white instead.

Here's the email in light mode, looking pretty much as intended: image

Here it is again in dark mode where the background texture has been substituted for pure white: image

Here's a stripped down version of the HTML which duplicates the problem:

<!doctype html>
<html xmlns="" xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" lang="en">
  <!--[if gte mso 9]><xml>
  <title>Watch the webcast of Handel&rsquo;s Messiah</title>
  <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
  <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />
  <style type="text/css">
  body {
<body bgcolor="#020611" style="margin:0; padding:0; width:100%!important; background-color:#020611;">

<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%" role="presentation">
  <td align="center" valign="top" bgcolor="#020611" style="background-color:#020611;">

    <table align="center" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="width:616px;" role="presentation">
      <td align="center" valign="top" bgcolor="#020611" background="" style="background-color:#020611; background-image:url('');">

        <a href="#" target="_blank"><img alt="Handel&rsquo;s Messiah" border="0" src="" width="616" height="620" style="display:block; max-width:616px;"></a>

      <td align="center" valign="top" bgcolor="#020611" background="" style="background-color:#020611; background-image:url(''); padding-right:26px; padding-bottom:26px; padding-left:26px;">

        <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%;" role="presentation">
          <td align="center" valign="top" style="font-family:Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size:16px; -webkit-text-size-adjust:none; mso-line-height-rule:exactly; line-height:21px; text-align:left; color:#c3a174; font-weight:normal; -moz-osx-font-smoothing:grayscale; -webkit-font-smoothing:antialiased; padding-top:26px; padding-right:14px; padding-bottom:14px; padding-left:14px;">
            <h3 style="font-family:Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size:21px; line-height:27px; -webkit-text-size-adjust:none; mso-line-height-rule:exactly; -moz-osx-font-smoothing:grayscale; -webkit-font-smoothing:antialiased; font-weight:bold; color:#c3a174; padding:0; margin:0; vertical-align:baseline; text-align:center;">Watch the webcast of Handel&rsquo;s <em>Messiah</em></h3>

            Can&rsquo;t make it to the performance? Join us via webcast on Dec. 13 at 7:30 p.m. as the BJU Symphony Orchestra and combined choirs join forces to perform George Frideric Handel&rsquo;s masterwork and traditional Christmas oratorio <em>Messiah</em>.<br><br>

            The powerful three-part meditation on the prophecy and fulfillment of God&rsquo;s plan to redeem humankind through a savior concludes with the stirring &ldquo;Hallelujah&rdquo; chorus.




I've actually tried both JPG and PNG versions of the background, but both behave identically. I've also tried changing the bgcolor / background-color properties to see if the email would behave differently, but that does not seem to have an effect. Any help appreciated.

ComputerTinker commented 4 years ago

Quick update: I was able to work around the issue by using a mostly transparent 24-bit PNG background image over a solid background color. Using a transparent 8-bit PNG did not seem to work for me, it had to be 24-bit. Hope this helps someone.

CrocodileInAWhileAlligatorLater commented 4 years ago

That has been my approach as well @ComputerTinker -> to make all emails look as best as possible for Dark Mode users I simply change the artboard backgrounds of the PSDs I receive to transparent before exporting png24, wherever possible, and in many cases the results are surprisingly nice looking against both dark & light backgrounds due to the way our designers put things together. I'm excited for developing for Dark Mode, especially excited for getting more control over dark mode with CSS.

alejaaandro commented 4 years ago

Branding and whole design broken and looks horrible due to Dark mode.. Please allow for more control over how things look in Dark Mode through CSS

2 1

hteumeuleu commented 4 years ago

Here's another example posted by Christie T. on the #emailgeeks Slack. The email is already dark and becomes light by default. 🙃

An email with a dark background The same email in Gmail's dark mode with a light background

ayalalaura commented 4 years ago

Here's another example. Dark mode inverted the text color from white to black. The email features a dark background image on a table element (I also added a black bgcolor as a fallback on the outer table with the bg image, hoping the Gmail app would autodetect and not invert text color). Logo is also illegible. Image from iOS (1)

hteumeuleu commented 4 years ago

I finally have a device with Android 10 so I got my hands on Gmail's dark mode. 🎉

First thing I've tested is how images are changed. And my conclusion there is a trigger below 100px (included). If your image is smaller than 100px (width or height), its colors will be changed by Gmail. No matter if it's a PNG, GIF or JPG. No matter if your image is displayed at a smaller or larger size. And no matter if it's an <img> or a background-image.

Here's my test:

Screenshot of my test on Gmail Android 10

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>Gmail Dark Mode on Android 10</title>
    <p style="width:100px; height:100px; background:url(;"></p>
    <p style="width:101px; height:101px; background:url(;"></p>
    <hr />
    <img src="" alt="" width="200" height="200" /><br />
    <img src="" alt="" width="50" height="50" /><br />
    <hr />
    <img src="" alt="" width="99" height="99" /><br />
    <img src="" alt="" width="100" height="100" /><br />
    <img src="" alt="" width="101" height="101" /><br />
    <hr />
    <img src="" alt="" width="64" height="64" /><br />
    <img src="" alt="" width="96" height="96" /><br />
    <img src="" alt="" width="128" height="128" /><br />
    <hr />
    <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" role="presentation">
                <td><img src="" alt="" width="42" height="42" /></td>
                <td><img src="" alt="" width="42" height="42" /></td>
                <td><img src="" alt="" width="42" height="42" /></td>
                <td><img src="" alt="" width="42" height="42" /></td>
                <td><img src="" alt="" width="42" height="42" /></td>
                <td><img src="" alt="" width="42" height="42" /></td>
                <td><img src="" alt="" width="42" height="42" /></td>
                <td><img src="" alt="" width="42" height="42" /></td>
                <td><img src="" alt="" width="42" height="42" /></td>
                <td><img src="" alt="" width="42" height="42" /></td>
                <td><img src="" alt="" width="42" height="42" /></td>
                <td><img src="" alt="" width="42" height="42" /></td>
    <p><small>* no alpha</small></p>
M-J-Robbins commented 4 years ago

Just when you thought it was starting to make sense... I tested that same code and the images weren't changed.

Samsung S9 Android 10 Gmail version 2020.04.12.307915656

samsung S9 screenshot showing images not changed

hteumeuleu commented 4 years ago

Wow, thanks Mark. I keep thinking about this and I'm having a hard time to make any sense of it. One hypothesis I have is that maybe Google is still A/B testing on this. So different users will see different versions of a dark mode email.

One thing that makes me say this is that Chrome is also testing a forced dark mode for websites. In Chrome, if you go to chrome://flags/#enable-force-dark, you can enable the "Force Dark Mode for Web Contents" feature. After relaunching Chrome, you can try to view your emails in Chrome this way. It might not be 100% exactly what Gmail does, but it looks pretty close. And there are several "dark mode" profiles available that will change the content differently.

A screenshot of dark mode options in Chrome

With my previous test example, the "Enable with selective inversion of everything" looks exactly like what I'm seeing in Gmail on my Android device for that test email.

hteumeuleu commented 4 years ago

So… I played with Gmail settings and toggled the Light theme on, and then switched by to the Dark theme. And now I no longer have my images changed on my previous example. I was thinking maybe Gmail attributes a dark mode profile when turning the settings on. So I tried to toggle it on and off a few times. But I've never been able to have the same rendering as I initially had.

hteumeuleu commented 4 years ago

Here's an example worth a laugh shared by Steven Sayo on the #emailgeeks Slack.

The original email The email seen in dark mode in Gmail

See the code of that email.

Interestingly enough, to get a similar colors on the button in Chrome's dark mode, I need to set it to "HSL-based inversion". The main image however is never changed in Chrome.

rowdyrauxa commented 4 years ago

I've just received an email from a contact a Google who reached out to their engineering team for a fix. This was their response:

My advice is to start using the CSS media queries for prefers-color-scheme and the meta tag for color-scheme.
WebView currently makes web content forcibly dark. 
However, we have now updated so that it can honour the media queries. 
How this works is up to the app which embeds the WebView — in this case Gmail. 

Gmail will be able to specify if the webview should:
- Apply force dark always
- Apply media query dark theme if available and force dark if unavailable
- Apply media query dark theme only and otherwise leave the content untouched if unavailable. 

The code and support for this is available in AndroidX alpha as ForceDarkStrategy and should be available today.

Additionally, I received the following materials from the Eng. Team about Dark Mode:

Please let me know if you have any questions.

They said should be available today, but in my tests I'm still seeing expected breakage, no media feature support of prefers-color-scheme. I'll keep testing and see if there's something else going on.

hteumeuleu commented 4 years ago

@rowdyrauxa Thank you so much for this! So, if I understand correctly, this depends both on Gmail and on an Android 10 update (

rowdyrauxa commented 4 years ago

@hteumeuleu I wish I could confirm, but I am having a hard time gleaning an understanding of what "should be available today" means. I'm still seeing no support of the media feature. I'll follow up and see if I can get clarity. As of now our best solution has been to use simple background images (typographic, no real content) that are 50% opacity and live with the ruined color palette... accessibility being the primary concern.

hteumeuleu commented 4 years ago

@rowdyrauxa Thanks for your reply. I'm not seeing anything new supported as of now as well, thus my question. Let us know if you've got any other info!

gnickygnicky commented 4 years ago

hi all, i'm having issues mainly with background images and my content isn't visible since it's in the same color as the background. IMG_1697 IMG_1696

devincloudkelly commented 3 years ago

Hey all, I'm checking out the Email on Acid dark mode webinar next week and will ask about known fixes for the gmail app specifically. Will report back, hopefully with good news. For anyone interested, here's the link to the webinar:

devincloudkelly commented 3 years ago

Alright y'all, here are my updates from the Email on Acid webinar today.

I never got my questions answered directly, but did indirectly get some tips on coding for dark mode overall. I hope this of help to some of you.

I asked the following regarding gmail's dark mode:

Here are my two takeaways:

  1. To stop background colors changing to non-brand colors I got a hack from Annett Forcier, who is in the email geeks slack (username: emailboutique), which forces your background color. She stressed that you can still run into issues with your font changing color, potential resulting in a light-on-light contrast issue.

<style> .button { background–color: #e6d7c0; background-image: linear-gradient(#e6d7c0, #e6d7c0); } </style>

Per Annett, this works on all email platforms except for Outlook.

  1. Not directly related to Gmail, but I found the advice to use a light gray for your font so that it is legible regardless of light/dark background really helpful.

Final notes: Overall, the feeling was that dark mode was very much like email development in general. No standard rules, so each client had to be designed for specifically and intentionally. I have more notes/takeaways from this webinar, if anyone is interested, please let me know. I wish I had more helpful info at this time. I have followed up with Annett on twitter and will update this post if I get more info.

BryceSalstrom commented 3 years ago

@devincloudkelly Have you had any success with the hack from Annett? I've tried it to no avail.

devincloudkelly commented 3 years ago

@devincloudkelly Have you had any success with the hack from Annett? I've tried it to no avail.

@BryceSalstrom I'll be honest - I haven't tried it yet. At my company we are just dipping out toe into dark mode. Annett replied to me on twitter and asked if I had any code examples to share. I'd recommend posting your code here and I'll see if I can connect her to this thread.

BryceSalstrom commented 3 years ago

@devincloudkelly Thank you for your response. I was able to get the hack to work later on in the day yesterday. So, it works!! It's a great tool to have in the tool kit.

Annett commented 3 years ago

@devincloudkelly The hack works only inline. Not in the embedded CSS styles since some email clients strip your CSS.

For example:


jemp-pixel commented 3 years ago

This hack works well. However, I would like to use it with a darker background and white text. When trying this, the text inverts and is lost into the darker background. Any thoughts on how to force the text to stay white/light in dark mode.

tvb commented 3 years ago

I just ran into this issue, it's plain rubbish. Google seriously? Get your sh*t together!

Letalus commented 3 years ago

me too. Man this weird dark mode sucks so hard. It's so hard to read anything.

Edit: --> it was my mistake, I forgot to deinstall a google chrome dark mode plugin

hteumeuleu commented 3 years ago

@tvb and @Letalus Please provide screenshots and/or code examples. Saying things suck helps no one, reporting bugs do!

Letalus commented 3 years ago

@hteumeuleu sure here are following screenshot Screenshot 2021-02-04 at 16 56 12 Screenshot 2021-02-04 at 16 56 33 Screenshot 2021-02-04 at 16 57 36

The funny part about this is, that everything was working fine until today... I have NO idea what changed but I'm pretty certain I didnt do anything.

hteumeuleu commented 3 years ago

@Letalus Wait, you've got dark mode on Gmail's desktop webmail? To me, Gmail's dark "theme" only applies to the webmail's interface, not the actual emails. Can you confirm this is Gmail's own behavior and not a plugin you might have installed?

Letalus commented 3 years ago

@hteumeuleu you are right. I removed this morning one plugin which converted website to dark mode. But appearently there was a second one installed hidden within the plugin settings. I removed it and now it is working properly again. Sorry for being stupid and thanks for your help

tvb commented 3 years ago

@hteumeuleu Here you go. This is an email I got within the iOS Gmail App set to dark mode (I need to hide the clients details):

Basically every colour has been inverted.

IMG_1336 IMG_1337

S-Aitchison commented 3 years ago

An example of an email that I'm building where the Gmail App on Android doesn't change the set background colour but does invert the font colour to something that is unreadable and not at all accessible.

Nothing fancy going on in the code, just standard bgcolor="#F4A100" set on the containing <table> and color: #A9001E; on the header tags

I have included the following darkmode code in the <head> :root { color-scheme: light dark; supported-color-schemes: light dark;} @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) { /* Custom Dark Mode Background Color */ .darkmode {background-color: #F4A100 !important;} .DMBG02 {background-color: #D65C04 !important;} /* Custom Dark Mode Font Colors */ h1, h2, h3, h4 {color: #A9001E !important;} p, span, b, p > a {color: #111111 !important;} a {color: #FEFEFE !important;} h5, h5 > a {color: #FFF9BD !important;} }

After many attempts using the various methods mentioned here and around the community to try and stop the invert from happening, no such luck and still unreadable, ended up having to change the colour to #010101 which compromises the design and still gets inverted to white, which isn't great but at least it's readable :shrug:

Screens below of how it should look vs how it renders in darkmode

image image

jkupczak commented 3 years ago


None of the code that you mention including in your <head> works in any version of Gmail. @hteumeuleu recently published this article of a clever workaround that might help you though.

PSoltes commented 3 years ago

problem just adding an example of invert breaking accessibility (on IOS, but android is as bad), inverting like that would be ok, if prefers-color-scheme media query would be supported, cheers and good luck solving dark mode :)

nunonegrier commented 3 years ago

To prevent gmail from changing text colors in dark mode, set text colors with inline css and use the !important rule.

PSoltes commented 3 years ago

To prevent gmail from changing text colors in dark mode, set text colors with inline css and use the !important rule.

text colors are set inline and are !important; in my case, yet gmail IOS still changes them. Rules are on parents of elements containing text though.

nunonegrier commented 3 years ago

To prevent gmail from changing text colors in dark mode, set text colors with inline css and use the !important rule.

text colors are set inline and are !important; in my case, yet gmail IOS still changes them. Rules are on parents of elements containing text though.

You are right @PSoltes , on IOS the problem keeps happening in darkmode. In every other scenario I could test, using the !important rule worked, including the Gmail app on Android in darkmode. So far, this is the simplest and most universal solution to the problem. I am still looking for a simple solution that works on iOS as well, if I find one I will share it here with you all.

ImLoaD commented 3 years ago

In gmail app on IOS you can put background: linear-gradient(#fff, #fff); instead of background: #fff;. But what we can do with text, 'color: #fff !important' doesnt actually work :(

PSoltes commented 3 years ago

In gmail app on IOS you can put background: linear-gradient(#fff, #fff); instead of background: #fff;. But what we can do with text, 'color: #fff !important' doesnt actually work :(

solution with blendmodes in @jkupczak comment works

ImLoaD commented 3 years ago

In gmail app on IOS you can put background: linear-gradient(#fff, #fff); instead of background: #fff;. But what we can do with text, 'color: #fff !important' doesnt actually work :(

solution with blendmodes in @jkupczak comment works


daveyko commented 3 years ago

hey guys -- we at Spotify are also encountering this issue --

while the blendmodes solution is very clever -- it does seem like it can only reliably support white text which is really limiting -- and the ways in which to target gmail client only seems brittle

please if you guys have a chance we should all reach out!topic%2Fgmail%2FV_U7zBUZ8G4%3Bcontext-place%3Dforum%2Fgmail and submit a feature request for the gmail client to support prefers-color-scheme media queries -- i think this is the most consistent/stable fix

M-J-Robbins commented 3 years ago

@daveyko i think it might be worth adding to the Gmail issuetracker too

daveyko commented 3 years ago

if you guys could star this issue it would be great -> this one needs to be starred actually -- the issue was moved to the Android issue tracker from general Gmail issue tracker

jgonera commented 2 years ago -> this one needs to be starred actually -- the issue was moved to the Android issue tracker from general Gmail issue tracker

When I follow this link it asks me to log in with a email. Is this only for Google employees?

emilyhasadventures commented 2 years ago This appears to be the public link for the issue daveyko added.

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