This is a port of the numenta/nupic port to JavaScript.
This project is work in progress and subject to frequent changes. Sometimes it might even be broken.
Run NuPIC in a browser (For now Firefox only, due to extensive use of the ECMAScript 6 features such as Set and Map data structures)
Clone or download ZIP
Alternative 1:
Choice of loading qt_interactive.html from the file system or via web server into Firefox (for details with respect to web server usage see Alternative 2). No web workers are used, so debugging with e.g. Firebug is supported. No browser freeze due to input presentation. This alternative is not available vor HelloSP.
Alternative 2:
Unpack into the web root folder of your favorite web server. With XAMPP the result should look like
Start the web server
Load http://localhost/foo/bar/baz/sp.html or http://localhost/foo/bar/baz/qt.html (depreceated) with Firefox
This alternative uses web workers to avoid browser freeze. Drawback: web workers make debugging difficult.
Alternative 3:
Load sp_dbg.html or qt_dbg.html (depreceated) from the file system without using a web server. Allows the use of a debugger. This variant is closest to the Java original. Drawback: Browser freezes.
Currently htm.JavaScript reproduces both the "HelloSP" (sp.html or sp_dbg.html) and "QuickTest" (qt_interactive.html, qt.html (depreceated), qt_dbg.html (depreceated)) demos from which illustrate SDRs, spatial pooling and temporal memory.