huangzworks / real-world-haskell-cn

《Real World Haskell》中文翻译项目
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backquote 翻译 #158

Open Ynjxsjmh opened 5 years ago

Ynjxsjmh commented 5 years ago

第四章:函数式编程 节 这一小节中有如下文字


Prelude> :type (`elem` ['a' .. 'z'])
(`elem` ['a' .. 'z']) :: Char -> Bool


Recall that we can wrap a function name in backquotes to use it as an infix operator. This lets us use sections with functions.

其中将 backquotes 翻译成 反括号,但是这个叫反引号应该更直观吧,还是有什么说法。

alingse commented 2 years ago
