hubertdeng-org / test-sentry-app

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session replay not working asdfsadfas #212

Closed hubertdeng123 closed 5 months ago

hubertdeng123 commented 5 months ago


SaaS (

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Create a new project in with visual studio as an AspNetCore Web App (Model-View-Controller): image

  2. Should have the following folder structure: image

  3. Create new project in Sentry with browser javascript:


  1. Add the following line of code to the header in the Views/Home/Shared/_Layout.cshtml file with the correct dsn number for that project:


  1. Add the following line of code to the Views/Home/Privacy.cshtml file to trigger an error that is sent to sentry:


  1. Run the solution and click on the Privacy tab at the top and the error will be triggered and sent to the Sentry project:


Expected Result

Since session replays are on by default with the loader script:

This should trigger an Error with a session replay as we threw an error in the Githubissues.

  • Githubissues is a development platform for aggregating issues.