hudsonbay / google_scraper_live_view

Application for extracting large amounts of data from the Google search results page
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CSV validation handling #1

Closed olivierobert closed 3 years ago

olivierobert commented 3 years ago

Upon uploading the CSV file on the UI, the current validation could be improved to address the following:

hudsonbay commented 3 years ago

Not hardcoding the keyword limit

I think it's a good choice to extract it to a @keyword_limit variable

No user feedback when there are more than 100 keywords in the file. The below code simply hides the spinner without informing the end-user of the issue.

True. It needs fixing. Thanks

Handling the validation in a module distinct from GoogleScraperWeb.HomepageLive.Index

I'm afraid I don't understand that one

olivierobert commented 3 years ago

Let me try to explain the last point again. I also did not provide code examples for this ๐Ÿ˜…

What I meant is currently, the CS file content is validated in the LiveView with:

if Enum.count(contents) < 100 do
  IO.puts("LARGER THAN 100")

(The IO debugging should be reworked for sure ๐Ÿ™ˆ )

If we agree that the variable @keyword_limit should not be hardcode, one can see the advantage of having this limit and the related validations in another module:

defmodule CsvValidator do 
  @keyword_limit 100

  def validate(csv_content) do
    |> validate_limit()
    |> validate_duplicate()

  depf validate_limit() do

The benefits is to keep the LiveView focused on routing (handle_event) and controlling (handle_info) while keeping business logic away from the view ๐Ÿ’ก Through this code challenge, application architecture is a crucial assessment criteria especially for senior software developers.

hudsonbay commented 3 years ago

(The IO debugging should be reworked for sure

Oh, it was ๐Ÿ˜„. It's on the PR

related validations in another module

keeping business logic away from the view

I'm not trying to agree on everything ๐Ÿ˜„, but you are very right and I have the same way of thinking as you and life as proven the importance of it