Congratulations! You've made it this far! Once merged, the article will appear at Official articles
require additional reviews. Alternatively, you can write a community article following the process here.
Preparing the Article
You're not quite done yet, though. Please make sure to follow this process (as documented here):
[x] Add a thumbnail. There are no requirements here, but there is a template if it's helpful.
[?] Check you use a short title and blog path.
[x] Upload any additional assets (such as images) to the Documentation Images repo. This is to reduce bloat in the GitHub base repo when cloning and pulling. Try to have small images to avoid a slow or expensive user experience.
[x] Add metadata (such as authors) to your md file. You can also specify guest or org for the authors.
[x] Ensure the publication date is correct.
[x] Preview the content. A quick way is to paste the markdown content in Do not click publish, this is just a way to do an early check.
Please make sure to get a review from someone on your team or a co-author.
Once this is done and once all the steps above are completed, you should be able to merge.
There is no need for additional reviews if you and your co-authors are happy and meet all of the above.
Feel free to add @pcuenca as a reviewer if you want a final check. Keep in mind he'll be biased toward light reviews
(e.g., check for proper metadata) rather than content reviews unless explicitly asked.
Congratulations! You've made it this far! Once merged, the article will appear at Official articles require additional reviews. Alternatively, you can write a community article following the process here.
Preparing the Article
You're not quite done yet, though. Please make sure to follow this process (as documented here):
file. You can also specifyguest
for the authors.Here is an example of a complete PR:
Getting a Review
Please make sure to get a review from someone on your team or a co-author. Once this is done and once all the steps above are completed, you should be able to merge. There is no need for additional reviews if you and your co-authors are happy and meet all of the above.
Feel free to add @pcuenca as a reviewer if you want a final check. Keep in mind he'll be biased toward light reviews (e.g., check for proper metadata) rather than content reviews unless explicitly asked.