huguesrichard / Allopipe

AlloPipe is a computational method to assess the alloreactivity expected from a donor/recipient transplantation pair
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Document output parameters AMS/af-AMS #15

Open PierreLaville opened 3 months ago

PierreLaville commented 3 months ago

Improve naming consistency for parameters in output files:

Or log parameters in a specific file.

PierreLaville commented 3 months ago

Furthermore, in the example above the thresh parameter (0.8) uses the . character which could lead to some issues (confusion with file extension, harder parsing with regular expressions, etc.), so should be avoided.

huguesrichard commented 3 months ago

Indeed, we can go on two different way:

  1. keep the parameters in the file name. In this cases there should be a function that is taking care of preparing the parameters string to plug into the filename

  2. use a log file with the same extension as the output file (or main directory) and with some lines listing all the parameters.

I prefer when the file creations are explicitly asked by the user, so I would vote in favor of solution 2. (with solution 1. the file creation is implicit as a function of the run parameters).

The problem with the float parameter 0.8 for the threshold also votes in favor of solution

PierreLaville commented 3 months ago

As discussed, option 2. also enhances reproducibility (keeping track of which command has been run on which file). See Logging module in Python.