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DB queries on admin_init. #14

Open anigeluk opened 6 years ago

anigeluk commented 6 years ago

The code is currently running a query to create a DB table if doesn't already exist on admin_init.

Due to how often admin_init is triggered this is potentially creating a large number of unnecessary queries, for instance we have literally seen the create_database_table() function called millions of times in a single day on one of our big sites.

It would be more efficient to check the table exists on activation and upgrade rather than on every admin action.

Please give me a shout if you would like me to work on this with you.


joehoyle commented 6 years ago

I'd be happy to accept a PR to address this, though activation hook is not ideal as they are not triggered for mu-plugins. We could go the route of an option in the DB that tracks if the DB table has been installed. Or, we could just object-cache the existence of the table so it's not making the SQL query all the time.