humanmade / protected-embeds

A drop-in replacement for protected embeds
11 stars 4 forks source link

Should requests for PROTECTED_EMBEDS_DOMAIN that aren't for embeds be killed early? #2

Closed goldenapples closed 8 years ago

goldenapples commented 8 years ago

Hi Joe,

VIP brought the following issue to my attention:

We just noticed that PROTECTED_EMBEDS_DOMAIN will load the site homepage. As you probably know, the point of using an alternate domain to host embeds is to protect login cookies from XSS attacks. While it's probably not possible to get a login cookie from the protected embeds domain right now, it would be best to protect against some future bug that does make it possible. Do you think we could either wp_die() or wp_redirect() to the site homepage when that domain isn't serving a protected embed?

This seems like a general concern when implementing a protected embeds solution like this. What do you think about adding a check on init or parse_request that bails early for requests on the protected embeds domain that don't have have the "protected-iframe" query var set?

roborourke commented 8 years ago

Looks like this is done :)