Closed FredrikKarlssonSpeech closed 10 months ago
Files are not converted properly
> source("~/Documents/src/superassp/R/wrassp_acfana.R")
Before output directoryEstimating duration from bitrate, this may be inaccurate
Estimating duration from bitrate, this may be inaccurate
Estimating duration from bitrate, this may be inaccurate
ℹ Lossy files: a4.aif, a6.aifc, a7.mp3, and a8.ogg
Found 6 recordings that require conversion
✖ If a file format is not nativelly suppored by `acfana()` it will have to be converted before application
of the function
ℹ Please use "wav", "au", "kay", "nist", or "nsp" which are nativelly supported by `acfana()` to eliminate
this conversion.
ℹ Converted files: a2.flac, a4.aif, a4.aiff, a6.aifc, a7.mp3, and a8.ogg
Preparation: converting to wav format ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 6/6
Before assertAfter assertApplying the `acfana()` DSP function to 13 speech recordings
Warning message:
Found 4 recordings stored in lossy compression formats
ℹ If lossy compression was used when storing the signal, the result `acfana()` may not be accurate
✖ Please use a lossless file format (file extensions "wav", "flac", "aiff", "wv", "tta", "caf", "au",
"kay", "nist", or "nsp") for acoustic analysis of speech recordings if possible.
> a
[1] "/Users/frkkan96/Documents/src/superassp/inst/samples/sentences/addf8.wav"
[2] "/Users/frkkan96/Documents/src/superassp/inst/samples/sustained/a1.wav"
[3] "/Users/frkkan96/Documents/src/superassp/inst/samples/sustained/a2.wav"
[4] "/Users/frkkan96/Documents/src/superassp/inst/samples/sustained/a3.wav"
[5] "/Users/frkkan96/Documents/src/superassp/inst/samples/sustained/a32b.wav"
[6] "/Users/frkkan96/Documents/src/superassp/inst/samples/sustained/a4.wav"
[7] "/Users/frkkan96/Documents/src/superassp/inst/samples/sustained/a4.wav"
[8] "/Users/frkkan96/Documents/src/superassp/inst/samples/sustained/a5.wav"
[9] "/Users/frkkan96/Documents/src/superassp/inst/samples/sustained/a6.wav"
[10] "/Users/frkkan96/Documents/src/superassp/inst/samples/sustained/a64b.wav"
[11] "/Users/frkkan96/Documents/src/superassp/inst/samples/sustained/a7.wav"
[12] "/Users/frkkan96/Documents/src/superassp/inst/samples/sustained/a8.wav"
[13] "/Users/frkkan96/Documents/src/superassp/inst/samples/sustained/a9.wav"
"Estimating duration from bitrate, this may be inaccurate Estimating duration from bitrate, this may be inaccurate Estimating duration from bitrate, this may be inaccurate Error in purrr::map_lgl(readcheck, purrr::is_null) && tools::file_ext(listOfFiles) %in% : 'length = 13' in coercion to 'logical(1)'"