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data-viz course/ slides/ projects
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JOUR2106 - Data Visualization

Schedule of spring 2019

List of students of spring 2019

List of projects of spring 2019


Homework4 -- Visual Critical Thinking

A short essay "criticise the visuals".

Reference for content: sample1 , sample2 , sample3 (note those are content reference; tech requirement is higher)

Submit path:

Homework3 -- Javascript Powered Calculator

Make a meaningful calculator type of data journalism work.

Reference examples:

Tech requirements:

Submit path:

Homework2 -- Personal Homepage & Portfolio

Build and online CV for yourself.

Tech requirements:

Submit path: (note: this is the root path under your personalised GitHub Pages domain name)

Homework1 -- Your first static website

Homework0 -- Hello open source world

(not graded but will help you attract the team members)

Submit path: jour2106/


Grade distribution:

T&L Review

Future wishlist

Those items were not covered due to average pacing but good to incorporate in the future:

Open source learning

CILO2 and part of CILO1 are shifted to online platforms like GitHub, Slack, and DNN Newsletter. We encourage the students to adapt to this open source/ objective-driven learning model. This initiative is sponsored by HKBU/CHTL/TDG-1.

Service learning components

The theme of this semester is "reporting and visualising for the underprivileged". The "mentorship" resource in CILO4 is addressed partly by this component (some students found their own collaborating parties). This initiative is sponsored by HKBU/CISL mini-grant.