hustvl / YOLOP

You Only Look Once for Panopitic Driving Perception.(MIR2022)
MIT License
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在自己数据集上训练 #70

Closed ycdhqzhiai closed 2 years ago

ycdhqzhiai commented 2 years ago

有人在自己数据集上训练的吗?效果怎么样,我这边自己标准了detect bbox和车道线,loss从1.0降到0.18(70个epoch) image


Lane line Segment: Acc(0.337)    IOU (0.008)  mIOU(0.340)
Detect: P(0.008)  R(0.665)  mAP@0.5(0.260)  mAP@0.5:0.95(0.085)


luckyjohnfeng commented 2 years ago

您可以使用已经训练后的权重,更改 end_to_end.pth 到 YOLOP/runs/BddDataset 文件夹,更改为 checkpoint.pth 即可以接着训练,这样进行迁移学习,就可以有一个比较好的开始了。 You could move end_to_end.pth to YOLOP/runs/BddDataset, and change its name to checkpoint.pth, delete the original checkpoint.pth, then do transfer learning. You will have a better start.

Do you know how to custom setting the object detection catagory ?

您知道如何定制设定 目标检测的 分类吗?

ycdhqzhiai commented 2 years ago

谢谢回复 我这边是一个自己标注的7类数据集,训练到200 epoch,检测分支mAP@0.5(0.32), mAP@0.5:0.95(0.13) 后面做了跟您代码相似操作,去除其他类别只训练car这一类,同样训练了20个epoch mAP@0.5(0.58), mAP@0.5:0.95(0.32)(log清理掉了) 1.我想问下作者,为什么把所有类别都当做car来训练,不这样做效果如何 2.关于车道线,我这边IOU一直都是在0.01左右,可视化了bdd和我自己标注的label,是一致的,出现这种问题原因有可能是什么

luckyjohnfeng commented 2 years ago

请问您是怎么在YOLOP代码中 设置自己的目标检测类别的呢?


代码中,我看到目前只有 可行驶区域的png图片生成代码。

May I know how do you set custom detection category in the YOLOP code ?

And how do you generate the lane segmentation mask png picture ?

I only see the drivable segmentation mask png code in YOLOP.

ycdhqzhiai commented 2 years ago

请问您是怎么在YOLOP代码中 设置自己的目标检测类别的呢?


代码中,我看到目前只有 可行驶区域的png图片生成代码。

May I know how do you set custom detection category in the YOLOP code ?

And how do you generate the lane segmentation mask png picture ?

I only see the drivable segmentation mask png code in YOLOP.

import numpy as np
import json
import os
from .AutoDriveDataset import AutoDriveDataset
from .convert import convert, id_dict, my_dict
from tqdm import tqdm
import cv2
single_cls = True       # just detect vehicle

class MCDataset(AutoDriveDataset):
    def __init__(self, cfg, is_train, inputsize, transform=None):
        super().__init__(cfg, is_train, inputsize, transform)
        self.cfg = cfg
        self.is_train = is_train
        self.db = self._get_db()

    def _get_db(self):
        get database from the annotation file


        gt_db: (list)database   [a,b,c,...]
                a: (dictionary){'image':, 'information':, ......}
        image: image path
        mask: path of the segmetation label
        label: [cls_id, center_x//256, center_y//256, w//256, h//256] 256=IMAGE_SIZE
        print('building database...')
        gt_db = []
        height, width = self.shapes
        if self.is_train:
            txt = 'train.txt'
            txt = 'val.txt'

        with open(os.path.join(self.data_root, txt), 'r') as f:
            files_list = f.readlines()

        for files in tqdm(list(files_list)):
            files = files.strip()
            image_path = os.path.join(self.img_root, files) + '.jpg'
            #cv_img = cv2.imread(image_path)
            label_path = image_path.replace(".jpg", ".json")
            lane_path =  os.path.join(self.lane_root, files) + '_label.png'
            with open(label_path, 'r') as f:
                label = json.load(f)
            data = label['shapes']
            data = self.filter_data(data)
            gt = np.zeros((len(data), 5))
            for idx, obj in enumerate(data):
                category = obj['label']
                x1 = float(obj['points'][0][0])
                y1 = float(obj['points'][0][1])
                x2 = float(obj['points'][1][0])
                y2 = float(obj['points'][1][1])
                #cv2.retangle(cv_img, (int(x1), int(x2)),(int(y1), int(y2)), 2,(0,0,255),1)
                cls_id = my_dict[category]
                gt[idx][0] = cls_id
                box = convert((width, height), (x1, x2, y1, y2))
                gt[idx][1:] = list(box)
            rec = [{
                'image': image_path,
                'label': gt,
                'lane': lane_path

            gt_db += rec
        print('database build finish')
        return gt_db

    def filter_data(self, data):
        remain = []
        for obj in data:
            if 'rectangle' == obj['shape_type']:  # obj.has_key('box2d'):
        return remain

    def evaluate(self, cfg, preds, output_dir, *args, **kwargs):

my_dict={'XX0': 0, 'XX1': 1, 'XX2': 2,'XX3': 3,'XX4': 4,'XX5': 5,'XX6': 6}

车道线根据labelme里面提供的脚本。 训练log里面车道线ground truth image 训练log里面目标检测ground truth image

另外我去除了可行驶区域分支。保留车道线和检测的分支 1.我想问下,为什么把所有类别都当做car来训练,不这样做效果如何

luckyjohnfeng commented 2 years ago



zhangbaoj commented on 6 Sep 你们的工程是不是把'car', 'bus': , 'truck', 'train'都归为类别0了?


Collaborator Riser6 commented on 6 Sep yes


Object Detection For object detection, 10 classes are evaluated. They are:

0: pedestrian 1: rider 2: car 3: truck 4: bus 5: train 6: motorcycle 7: bicycle 8: traffic light 9: traffic sign

我也想知道 如何在YOLOP中 设置自己的分类。


luckyjohnfeng commented 2 years ago

关于如何生成 车道线的mask png 图片,您可以提供再详细一些的指引吗?

我调整了可行驶区域的mask png 图片分割代码,目前可以生成很细的车道线 0a0a0b1a-7c39d841



luckyjohnfeng commented 2 years ago

您可以参考一下这个链接 里面有提到类别:

ycdhqzhiai commented 2 years ago
import os
import cv2
import tqdm
import numpy as np
import pdb
import json, argparse

def draw(im,line,idx,show=True):
    Generate the segmentation label according to json annotation
    for i in range(len(line)-1):
        pt0 = (int(line[i][0]), int(line[i][1])) 
        pt1 = (int(line[i + 1][0]), int(line[i + 1][1]))
        cv2.line(im,pt0,pt1,(idx,),thickness = 16)

def generate_segmentation(root, lines, names, mode):
    train_gt_fp = open(os.path.join(root, mode + '_gt.txt'),'w')
    for i in tqdm.tqdm(range(len(names))):
        line_info = lines[i]
        label_path = os.path.join(root, 'seg_lbel', mode)  + '/' + names[i]+'.png'
        image_path = os.path.join(root, 'images', mode)  + '/' + names[i]+'.jpg'
        if not os.path.exists(os.path.split(label_path)[0]):
        label = np.zeros((1080,1920),dtype=np.uint8)
        bin_label = [0,0,0,0]
        for j in range(len(line_info)):
            index = int(float(line_info[j]['label'][0]))
            points = line_info[j]['points']
            bin_label[index] = 1
            draw(label,points,index + 1)
        # print(bin_label)
        # cv2.imshow('label', label)
        # cv2.waitKey(0)
        # print(image_path, label_path)
        train_gt_fp.write(image_path + ' ' + label_path + ' '+' '.join(list(map(str,bin_label))) + '\n')

def get_mc_list(root, mode):
    Get all the files' names from the json annotation
    label_json_all = []
    with open(os.path.join(root, mode + '.txt'), 'r') as f:
        label_list = f.readlines()      
    for l in label_list:
        lab_path = os.path.join(root,'labels', mode) + '/' + l.strip() + '.json'
        with open(lab_path,'r') as load_f:
            load_dict = json.load(load_f) 
        label_json = [load_dict]
        label_json_all += label_json

    names = [l.strip() for l in label_list]
    lanes = [l['shapes'] for l in label_json_all]

    return names,lanes

def get_args():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument('--root', required=True, help='The root of the Tusimple dataset')
    return parser

if __name__ == "__main__":
    args = get_args().parse_args()

    for mode in ['train', 'val']:
        names,lanes = get_mc_list(args.root, mode)
        generate_segmentation(args.root, lanes, names, mode)


luckyjohnfeng commented 2 years ago

非常非常感谢!!!! 我明早尝试一下!

Nanjiangang commented 2 years ago

您可以参考一下这个链接 里面有提到类别: #56


luckyjohnfeng commented 2 years ago

嗯,我大概知道,就是按照这个 #56的链接 来修改 modify in to be 41, change the single_cls to be False in 再修改 你看一下 bdd.py的代码 会更清楚。

我想问一下, 如何使用yolop已经训练好的权重,来进行迁移学习 来检测不同的分类?

Nanjiangang commented 2 years ago

我已经按那个修改过了, 麻烦你看一下是这样设置吗? in, single_cls = False in,id_dict = {'xx':0, 'xx': 1,…… 'xx': 40} in 但是会报错 Traceback (most recent call last): File "tools/", line 395, in main() File "tools/", line 323, in main epoch, num_batch, num_warmup, writer_dict, logger, device, rank) File "F:\yoloppp\YOLOP-main\lib\core\", line 77, in train total_loss, head_losses = criterion(outputs, target, shapes,model) File "D:\anaconda\envs\yolop\lib\site-packages\torch\nn\modules\", line 889, in _call_impl result = self.forward(*input, **kwargs) File "F:\yoloppp\YOLOP-main\lib\core\", line 50, in forward total_loss, head_losses = self._forward_impl(head_fields, head_targets, shapes, model) File "F:\yoloppp\YOLOP-main\lib\core\", line 107, in _forward_impl t[range(n), tcls[i]] = cp IndexError: index 26 is out of bounds for dimension 1 with size 1


luckyjohnfeng commented 2 years ago

我这边目前在标注数据,大约周末回开始训练,所以目前我并不知道改动后报错的原因,建议您在pycharm里设置断点, 调试程序。我这边是自己公司采集的数据,进行标注的。目标检测类别有调整,车道线和可行驶区域不变。我想使用YOLOP在BDD100K上的训练权重,进行迁移学习。

luckyjohnfeng commented 2 years ago


luckyjohnfeng commented 2 years ago 里面 有一个 id_dict_single = {'car': 0, 'bus': 1, 'truck': 2,'train': 3} 实际上YOLOP是过滤了id_dict = {'xx':0, 'xx': 1,…… 'xx': 40}的分类,把所有的car, bus, truck, train 通过id_dict_single 归为1个car的类别,进行目标检测,我想 in 就是对应这一个car的类别, 这部分代码 在bdd.py中有体现。您可以看一下是不是id_dict_single 这里 没有设置好。

Nanjiangang commented 2 years ago

当single_cls = False in bdd.py时,就不需要id_dict_single={'car': 0, 'bus': 1, 'truck': 2,'train': 3}来过滤了,目前来看我的错误好像是loss.py中 t = torch.full_like(ps[:, 5:], cn, device=device) 这个矩阵只有一列,不对应41分类;我需要后续再看一下是哪里的问题,您有什么进展也请告诉我一下,谢谢

hetao828 commented 2 years ago



Nanjiangang commented 2 years ago


luckyjohnfeng commented 2 years ago


FancyFai commented 2 years ago

有人在自己数据集上训练的吗?效果怎么样,我这边自己标准了detect bbox和车道线,loss从1.0降到0.18(70个epoch) image


Lane line Segment: Acc(0.337)    IOU (0.008)  mIOU(0.340)
Detect: P(0.008)  R(0.665)  mAP@0.5(0.260)  mAP@0.5:0.95(0.085)



ycdhqzhiai commented 2 years ago


FancyFai commented 2 years ago



tuvshu99 commented 2 years ago

May i ask some questions regarding to multi class object detection head? I am training the model with multi class object detection. In early epochs, detection result is something like every object have detected as a few classes. How many epochs are good for multi class detection result? How did you configure the thresholds for detection? Also, the test result after 10 epochs, detection look like this image. Is this normal? Ground truth batch_12_47_det_gt Detected objects batch_12_47_det_pred

dinarkino commented 2 years ago

Hey @tuvshu99, interesting results! Have you succeeded with multi-class detection? Your prediction looks reasonable for the 10th epoch. In my case the prediction quality is very low. I'm trying to figure out where the problem. Have you changed something in the code? Did you train just for detection or for detection + segmentation task? Also did you start from pre-trained weights (at least part of them until detect layer) or did you train the model from scratch?

tuvshu99 commented 2 years ago

I have trained the multiclass model from the scratch. For the detection result, i think i changed some thresholds but i don't remember now. For the training and inference, i have changed the model and config.

dinarkino commented 2 years ago

Thank you for the answer! If you saved at least some metrics at the end of training or configs/changed model code, it would be very helpful for me.

feichaiyu commented 2 years ago

关于如何生成 车道线的mask png 图片,您可以提供再详细一些的指引吗?

我调整了可行驶区域的mask png 图片分割代码,目前可以生成很细的车道线 0a0a0b1a-7c39d841



hi你好,请问你解决了这个问题么? 无法生成带有类别的车道线mask

Ri-Bai commented 2 years ago

谢谢回复 我这边是一个自己标注的7类数据集,训练到200 epoch,检测分支mAP@0.5(0.32), mAP@0.5:0.95(0.13) 后面做了跟您代码相似操作,去除其他类别只训练car这一类,同样训练了20个epoch mAP@0.5(0.58), mAP@0.5:0.95(0.32)(log清理掉了) 1.我想问下作者,为什么把所有类别都当做car来训练,不这样做效果如何 2.关于车道线,我这边IOU一直都是在0.01左右,可视化了bdd和我自己标注的label,是一致的,出现这种问题原因有可能是什么


Ri-Bai commented 2 years ago

end_to_end.pth to YOLOP/runs/BddDataset, and change its nam

多类别能用预训练权重吗,我的报错了RuntimeError: Error(s) in loading state_dict for MCnet: size mismatch for model.24.m.0.weight: copying a param with shape torch.Size([18, 128, 1, 1]) from checkpoint, the shape in current model is torch.Size([21, 128, 1, 1]). size mismatch for model.24.m.0.bias: copying a param with shape torch.Size([18]) from checkpoint, the shape in current model is torch.Size([21]). size mismatch for model.24.m.1.weight: copying a param with shape torch.Size([18, 256, 1, 1]) from checkpoint, the shape in current model is torch.Size([21, 256, 1, 1]). size mismatch for model.24.m.1.bias: copying a param with shape torch.Size([18]) from checkpoint, the shape in current model is torch.Size([21]). size mismatch for model.24.m.2.weight: copying a param with shape torch.Size([18, 512, 1, 1]) from checkpoint, the shape in current model is torch.Size([21, 512, 1, 1]). size mismatch for model.24.m.2.bias: copying a param with shape torch.Size([18]) from checkpoint, the shape in current model is torch.Size([21]). 请问有没有建议或解决方法

tfidmmatthew commented 2 years ago

@luckyjohnfeng Does it work?

import os
import cv2
import tqdm
import numpy as np
import pdb
import json, argparse

def draw(im,line,idx,show=True):
    Generate the segmentation label according to json annotation
    for i in range(len(line)-1):
        pt0 = (int(line[i][0]), int(line[i][1])) 
        pt1 = (int(line[i + 1][0]), int(line[i + 1][1]))
        cv2.line(im,pt0,pt1,(idx,),thickness = 16)

def generate_segmentation(root, lines, names, mode):
    train_gt_fp = open(os.path.join(root, mode + '_gt.txt'),'w')
    for i in tqdm.tqdm(range(len(names))):
        line_info = lines[i]
        label_path = os.path.join(root, 'seg_lbel', mode)  + '/' + names[i]+'.png'
        image_path = os.path.join(root, 'images', mode)  + '/' + names[i]+'.jpg'
        if not os.path.exists(os.path.split(label_path)[0]):
        label = np.zeros((1080,1920),dtype=np.uint8)
        bin_label = [0,0,0,0]
        for j in range(len(line_info)):
            index = int(float(line_info[j]['label'][0]))
            points = line_info[j]['points']
            bin_label[index] = 1
            draw(label,points,index + 1)
        # print(bin_label)
        # cv2.imshow('label', label)
        # cv2.waitKey(0)
        # print(image_path, label_path)
        train_gt_fp.write(image_path + ' ' + label_path + ' '+' '.join(list(map(str,bin_label))) + '\n')

def get_mc_list(root, mode):
    Get all the files' names from the json annotation
    label_json_all = []
    with open(os.path.join(root, mode + '.txt'), 'r') as f:
        label_list = f.readlines()      
    for l in label_list:
        lab_path = os.path.join(root,'labels', mode) + '/' + l.strip() + '.json'
        with open(lab_path,'r') as load_f:
            load_dict = json.load(load_f) 
        label_json = [load_dict]
        label_json_all += label_json

    names = [l.strip() for l in label_list]
    lanes = [l['shapes'] for l in label_json_all]

    return names,lanes

def get_args():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument('--root', required=True, help='The root of the Tusimple dataset')
    return parser

if __name__ == "__main__":
    args = get_args().parse_args()

    for mode in ['train', 'val']:
        names,lanes = get_mc_list(args.root, mode)
        generate_segmentation(args.root, lanes, names, mode)


@luckyjohnfeng Does it work?

LuthraBhomik commented 1 year ago

Has anyone been able to train a model on custom dataset (with number of classes e.g. 3) using YOLOP pretrained model (number of classes = 1). I am able to train a model on custom dataset from scratch but not able to train a model using pretrained model. Kindly update, if anyone is able to do it.