Open tco99ttocs opened 3 months ago
I don't know yet whether I want to implement a winter mode. But I still have a little time.
I would really like this function too. I have some roof window shutters on the north side and they tend to freeze when the temperature is above -5 degrees.
Thanks in advance.
Wouldn't it be easier to implement these wishes using the Force function?
normaly everything would be possible with the force function, but the question would be how complex will be the trigger for that! there should be 3 components for the winter mode:
Point 1 and 2 i used last winter, but if sun goes down at 5am als the covers will close at this time -> would be to early;)
To use the force function its neccessary to implement all 3 point, because force only has on/off!!
maybe it would be possible to use the shading part of the blueprint and change the temperatur from is above to is below!
{% set trise = as_timestamp(state_attr('sun.sun', 'next_rising')) | as_datetime | as_local %}
{% set tsett = as_timestamp(state_attr('sun.sun', 'next_setting')) | as_datetime | as_local %}
{% if (state_attr('sensor.Weather_Hourly_forecast', 'forecast')|selectattr('datetime', 'lt', trise.isoformat() )|selectattr('datetime', 'gt', tsett.isoformat() ))| map(attribute='temperature') | list %}
{{ (state_attr('sensor.Weather_Hourly_forecast', 'forecast')|selectattr('datetime', 'lt', trise.isoformat() )|selectattr('datetime', 'gt', tsett.isoformat() ))| map(attribute='temperature') | list | min}}
{% else %}
{{ (state_attr('sensor.Weather_Hourly_forecast', 'forecast')|selectattr('datetime', 'lt', trise.isoformat() ))| map(attribute='temperature') | list | min}}
this code provides the min temperature of the following night (between sun setting and sun rising)! Maybe that will help to create that feature :)
I’m already very happy with this blueprint. I didn’t think that this would work so well and that the shutters would come down when the sun shines through a window. This means we can sit at the dining table and not be blinded by the sun. However, I would like to refine the whole thing a bit, but I don’t know whether this will work with the blueprint. In principle, the control is supposed to prevent two things. On the one hand, you don’t get blinded by the sun and on the other hand, the rooms don’t get too hot or the plants in front of the window burn. This means that in summer when the temperature is high, shading should always take place. In autumn and winter, shading should only take place when someone is in the house or sitting at the dining table, otherwise the sun’s rays can warm up the room to save on heating costs. I’m wondering how I could implement this.
You can use "Additional Condition(s) For Activating Sun Shading".
for the colder times, it would be nice, to close the cover in the night, but not within a given time or with the sun elevation. It should be work with a given temperature or weather forcasts!
For example: If the forcast temperature of the following night or the outside temperature is below a given temperature the cover should close. In this case also negativ values should work!