hydecorp / hydejack

A boutique Jekyll theme for hackers, nerds, and academics
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blog blogging github-pages jekyll jekyll-theme latex math personal-website portfolio portfolio-template resume resume-template sidebar theme


A boutique Jekyll theme for hackers, nerds, and academics.


Hydejack's cover page on a variety of screen sizes. **Hydejack** is a boutique Jekyll theme for hackers, nerds, and academics, with a focus on personal sites that are meant to impress. It includes a blog that is suitable for both prose and technical documentation, a portfolio to showcase your projects, and a resume template that looks amazing on the web and in print. > Your complete presence on the web — A [blog], [portfolio], and [resume]. ## A Personal Site That Won't Disappear **Hydejack** is 100% built on Open Source software, and is Open Source itself, save for parts of the PRO version. The PRO version is a one-time payment that gives you the right to use it forever. Hydejack is all static sites. _HTML_. All you need is a web server — any web server — to have a professional web presence that lasts a lifetime. ## A Free Blogging Theme **Hydejack** started out as a free blogging theme for Jekyll — and continues to be so. ## An Impressive Portfolio A portfolio that's guaranteed to be impressive — no matter what you put into it. ## A Printable Resume Get a resume that's consistent across the board — whether it's on the web, mobile, print, or [PDF](https://hydejack.com/assets/Resume.pdf). [![Resume PDF](https://hydejack.com/assets/img/blog/resume.png)][resume]

Front and center page of a print resume generated by Hydejack. ## Just Markdown Write all content with Markdown. __Hydejack__ gives you [additional CSS classes](docs/writing.md) to stylize your content, without losing compatibility with other Jekyll themes. ## Just Markup **Hydejack** boasts a plethora of modern JavaScript, but make no mistake: It's still a _plain old web page_ at its core. It works without JavaScript and you can even view it in a text-based browser like `w3m`: ![w3m Screenshot](https://hydejack.com/assets/img/blog/w3m.png)

The Hydejack blog, as seen by the text browser `w3m`. ## Syntax Highlighting **Hydejack** features syntax highlighting, powered by [Rouge]. ```html ```

Code blocks can have a filename and a caption. ## Beautiful Math They say math is beautiful — and with **Hydejack**'s [math support][math] it's guaranteed to also look beautiful: ![Math example](https://hydejack.com/assets/img/blog/example-content-iii.jpg)

Hydejack uses KaTeX to efficiently render math. ## Features An incomplete list of features included in all versions of **Hydejack**: * Responsive layout with unique design features for every screen size * Cover Pages for a stunning first impression. * Customizable sidebar and touch-enabled drawer menu * Single Page Web App-style page loading * Advanced FLIP animations, inspired by Material Design * Good [Google PageSpeed Score][gpss][^11] * [Syntax highlighting][syntax], powered by [Rouge] * [LaTeX math blocks][latex], rendered with ether [KaTeX] or [MathJax] at your choice * Soft-coded labels: Change wording or translate to other languages via a single file * Support for categories and tags * Author section below each article and support for multiple authors * Built-in icons for many social networks * Simple and semantic HTML + Structured Data * Works with GitHub Pages out of the box[^12] [^11]: Actual page load speed depends on your hosting provider, location, resolution and format of images, usage of 3rd party plugins, and other factors. [^12]: Some limitations apply, most notably the need to use use MathJax instead of KaTeX for math block rendering. *[FLIP]: First-Last-Invert-Play. A coding technique to achieve performant page transition animations. ## Download There are two versions of **Hydejack**: The *Free Version* includes basic blogging functionality and most of Hydejack's [Features], such as dynamic page loading and advanced animations. The *PRO Version* includes additional features for professionals, such as a [portfolio], [resume], [Dark Mode][dark], [Forms], [Built-In Search][search] and customizable cookie banners. The table below shows what's included in each version: | | Free | PRO | |:------------------------------|:-------------------:|:-------------------:| | [Blog] | ✔ | ✔ | | [Features] | ✔ | ✔ | | [Documentation][docs] | ✔ | ✔ | | [Dark Mode][dark] | ✔ | ✔ | | [Portfolio] | | ✔ | | Printable [Resume] | | ✔ | | [Built-In Search][search] | | ✔ | | [Custom Forms][forms] | | ✔ | | [Grid layout][grid] | | ✔ | | [Offline Support][ofln] | | ✔ | | Table of Contents[^21] | | ✔ | | Cookie Banner | | ✔ | | No Hydejack Branding | | ✔ | | License | [GPL-3.0][lic] | [PRO] | | Source | [GitHub][src] | Included | | __Price__ | __Free__ | __$99__ One-Time Purchase[^xx] | | | [__Download__][kit] | [__Buy PRO__][buy] | [^21]: Large screens (> 1664px width) only. [^xx]: Discounts may apply, check [Gumroad][buy] for up-to-date pricing. [blog]: https://hydejack.com/blog/ [portfolio]: https://hydejack.com/showcase/ [resume]: https://hydejack.com/resume/ [download]: https://hydejack.com/download/ [welcome]: https://hydejack.com/ [forms]: https://hydejack.com/forms-by-example/ [features]: https://hydejack.com/#features [news]: https://hydejack.com/#build-an-audience [syntax]: https://hydejack.com/#syntax-highlighting [latex]: https://hydejack.com/#beautiful-math [dark]: https://hydejack.com/blog/hydejack/2018-09-01-introducing-dark-mode/ [search]: https://hydejack.com/#_search-input [grid]: https://hydejack.com/blog/hydejack/ [lic]: LICENSE.md [pro]: licenses/PRO.md [docs]: https://hydejack.com/docs/ [ofln]: https://hydejack.com/docs/advanced/#enabling-offline-support [math]: https://hydejack.com/docs/writing/#adding-math [kit]: https://github.com/hydecorp/hydejack-starter-kit/releases [src]: https://github.com/hydecorp/hydejack [gem]: https://rubygems.org/gems/jekyll-theme-hydejack [buy]: https://gum.co/nuOluY [gpss]: https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fhydejack.com%2Fdocs%2F [rouge]: http://rouge.jneen.net [katex]: https://khan.github.io/KaTeX/ [mathjax]: https://www.mathjax.org/