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[UX] Allow users to upload logo and banner images #388

Open bitbeckers opened 1 week ago

bitbeckers commented 1 week ago

Describe the feature you'd like to request

As an user, I want to be able to upload logo and banner images for the minting/creation form, so that I can directly upload instead of uploading to a 3rd party and passing the link

Describe the solution you'd like

Add an 'upload image' box to:

Mint form -> logo and banner image field New collection -> image field Setting -> profile image

The image should be uploaded to IPFS if we use a link. For example for the setting/collections page?

Describe alternatives you've considered

Only supporting links, which is a bit unwieldy and not very 2025

bitbeckers commented 1 week ago

@Jipperism would the image need to be uploaded to IPFS first for Blueprints, Collections and Profile settings?

Jipperism commented 2 days ago

@bitbeckers yes for all of them. collections the only image I can think of is the background image, but that belongs more to a hyperboard?

holkexyz commented 1 day ago

Yes, the image belongs to the hyperboard.

(The logic behind the "New collection" form is just that every collection comes with a hyperboard, which is why there are the additional two inputs (background image and border color) for the hyperboard.)