hyperdashio / hyperdash-sdk-py

Official Python SDK for Hyperdash
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Hyperdash results on phone #124

Open pranavdheram opened 6 years ago

pranavdheram commented 6 years ago


I just installed the hyperdash api on my Android. I followed the below instructions on my computer: pip install hyperdash hd login --email email: password:

Things went as expected so far. I wrote a simple hello world program and thought hyperdash would pipe the result to my phone screen as well. I ran the following command on my terminal: hd run -n "something" python3 "something.py"

My phone's screen still says: Models, waiting for data ...

Am I missing something? How does this work?


rahulvigneswaran commented 6 years ago

Hey @pranavdheram Tried it, works fine for me. Retry now. If the problem still persists, try with sudo.