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[fix][cli] chore: CLI Semantics (cleanup string/console output) #3770

Open nbayindirli opened 1 month ago

nbayindirli commented 1 month ago

As features have been added to the CLI, certain string/logging patterns have broken or no longer come across professionally.

This semantics issue is to capture the following work first mentioned in this PR, along with any other console-related work for whatever the end-developer will see/experience while interacting with the CLI, and to standardize those practices across the codebase:

  1. Update MergedRegistry log styling to be consistent with rest of CLI
  2. Update command-level logging to take place in context (before additional output)
  3. Update logging to be relevant for current command + underlining on string length
  4. When running hl config create ism make e.g. "Setting values for chain fuji" more readable
  5. After running hl config create ism and answering yes for "Use existing Hyperlane validators for this chain?", hl deploy core throws "Error: Missing advanced ISM config for one or more chains:". Need to align verbiage between the two correlated commands
  6. Unclear link wording in terminal-link utility for hl deploy kurtosis-agent command
  7. Unexpected terminal output after chain selection in hl deploy kurtosis-agent (see comment screenshot below)
  8. Understand and address why hl deploy kurtosis-agent flow asks for origin + 2 other chains
  9. Update hl deploy warp's error log, "Error: No "Warp route deployment config" found in ./configs. Please confirm the path for Warp route deployment config". By default, the CLI writes to folders relative to where its run.", to just say filename.
nbayindirli commented 1 month ago


nbayindirli commented 3 weeks ago

After running, hyperlane core configure there is double newline at EOF

nbayindirli commented 3 weeks ago

Typo in "? Enter protocol fee in for protocol fee hook" after running hyperlane core configure > protocolFee

nbayindirli commented 3 weeks ago

protocolFee and interchainGasPaymaster do not end in Hook

nbayindirli commented 2 weeks ago

for hyperlane warp config do not list raw enum string for token type selection, and make sure every option has a description

nbayindirli commented 2 weeks ago

hl core configure --ism-advanced: bold default in ? Select default hook type merkleTreeHook bold required in ? Select required hook type protocolFee

nbayindirli commented 2 weeks ago

when running hl core deploy, include log like "If you do not see your network in the below list, please be sure to run hl config create beforehand (note: this will eventually be hl registry configure

nbayindirli commented 2 weeks ago

When there is no HYP_KEY sourced, let users know at the beginning of the CLI flow

nbayindirli commented 1 week ago

When a deployment plan is presented to a user during hyperlane * deploy, emit a log with the location of the core config being read