hyperledger-labs / blockchain-explorer

Apache License 2.0
1.41k stars 941 forks source link

Blockchain Explorer

GitHub release (latest SemVer) node-current
Build Status CII Best Practice Documentation Status Test

Explorer is a simple, powerful, easy-to-use, well-maintained, open-source utility to browse activity on the underlying blockchain network. Users can configure and build Hyperledger Explorer on macOS and Ubuntu.

Current Release

Explorer Version Fabric Version Supported NodeJS Version Supported
v2.0.0 (Sep 05, 2023) v2.2, v2.4, v2.5 ^12.13.1, ^14.13.1, ^16.14.1

Legacy Releases (NOT SUPPORTED)

Explorer Version Fabric Version Supported NodeJS Version Supported
v1.1.8 (Aug 14, 2021) v1.4 to v2.3 ^12.13.1, ^14.13.1, ^16.14.1
v1.1.7 (Jul 04, 2021) v1.4 to v2.3 ^12.13.1, ^14.13.1
v1.1.6 (Jun 06, 2021) v1.4 to v2.3 ^12.13.1, ^14.13.1
v1.1.5 (Apr 20, 2021) v1.4 to v2.3 ^12.13.1, ^14.13.1
v1.1.4 (Jan 29, 2021) v1.4 to v2.2 ^12.13.1, ^14.13.1
v1.1.3 (Sep 28, 2020) v1.4.0 to v2.2.0 12.16.x
v1.1.2 (Aug 12, 2020) v1.4.0 to v2.2.0 12.16.x

There are 2 options to get Explorer started. Following are the software dependencies required for each option. And if you want to know more about each configuration, please refer README-CONFIG.md.

Quick start (using Docker)


Start Hyperledger Fabric network

This guide assumes that you've already started the test network by following Hyperledger Fabric official tutorial.


Start container services

Clean up

Quick start (using codebase)


Start Hyperledger Fabric network

This guide assumes that you've already started the test network by following Hyperledger Fabric official tutorial.

Clone GIT Repository

Clone this repository to get the latest using the following command.

$ git clone https://github.com/hyperledger/blockchain-explorer.git
$ cd blockchain-explorer

Database Setup

$ cd blockchain-explorer/app

Update configuration

Run create database script:

Connect to the PostgreSQL database and run DB status commands. To export the settings from app/explorerconfig.json to the environment, run source app/exportConfig.sh; this will set $DATABASE_DATABASE and related envvars.

Expected output

$ sudo -u postgres psql -c '\l'
                                     List of databases
      Name      |        Owner        | Encoding | Collate |  Ctype  |   Access privileges
 fabricexplorer | $DATABASE_USERNAME  | UTF8     | C.UTF-8 | C.UTF-8 |
 postgres       | postgres            | UTF8     | C.UTF-8 | C.UTF-8 |
 template0      | postgres            | UTF8     | C.UTF-8 | C.UTF-8 | =c/postgres          +
                |                     |          |         |         | postgres=CTc/postgres
 template1      | postgres            | UTF8     | C.UTF-8 | C.UTF-8 | =c/postgres          +
                |                     |          |         |         | postgres=CTc/postgres
(4 rows)

$ sudo -u postgres psql $DATABASE_DATABASE -c '\d'
                   List of relations
 Schema |           Name            |   Type   |       Owner
 public | blocks                    | table    | $DATABASE_USERNAME
 public | blocks_id_seq             | sequence | $DATABASE_USERNAME
 public | chaincodes                | table    | $DATABASE_USERNAME
 public | chaincodes_id_seq         | sequence | $DATABASE_USERNAME
 public | channel                   | table    | $DATABASE_USERNAME
 public | channel_id_seq            | sequence | $DATABASE_USERNAME
 public | orderer                   | table    | $DATABASE_USERNAME
 public | orderer_id_seq            | sequence | $DATABASE_USERNAME
 public | peer                      | table    | $DATABASE_USERNAME
 public | peer_id_seq               | sequence | $DATABASE_USERNAME
 public | peer_ref_chaincode        | table    | $DATABASE_USERNAME
 public | peer_ref_chaincode_id_seq | sequence | $DATABASE_USERNAME
 public | peer_ref_channel          | table    | $DATABASE_USERNAME
 public | peer_ref_channel_id_seq   | sequence | $DATABASE_USERNAME
 public | transactions              | table    | $DATABASE_USERNAME
 public | transactions_id_seq       | sequence | $DATABASE_USERNAME
 public | write_lock                | table    | $DATABASE_USERNAME
 public | write_lock_write_lock_seq | sequence | $DATABASE_USERNAME
(18 rows)

(On MacOS, expect to see your `whoami` rather than postgres. Entries with $DATABASE_USERNAME will have the valuei of that parameter, whether set as an environment variable or as a JSON keyval; it will not show the literal string.)

Build Hyperledger Explorer

Important: repeat the below steps after every git pull

From the root of the repository:


$ cd blockchain-explorer
$ npm install
$ cd client/
$ npm install
$ npm run build

Run Hyperledger Explorer

Bootup Mode

The Bootup Mode feature allows you to specify how many blocks should be loaded when starting the Hyperledger Explorer. You can choose from the below two modes:

To set the Bootup Mode, update the app/platform/fabric/config.json file in your project with the desired mode.

Note: Setting noOfBlocks to 0 will load Hyperledger Explorer with the latest block.

Bootup Mode example for reference

Let's say your blockchain network consists of a total of 20 blocks, numbered from 1 to 20. You are interested in loading only the latest 5 blocks, which are blocks 20, 19, 18, 17, and 16.

Here is an example of how you can configure Hyperledger Explorer to achieve this:

            "network-configs": {
                "test-network": {
                    "name": "Test Network",
                    "profile": "./connection-profile/test-network.json",
                    "enableAuthentication": false,
                    "bootMode": "CUSTOM",
                    "noOfBlocks": 5
            "license": "Apache-2.0"

Run Locally in the Same Location

Note: If the Hyperledger Fabric network is deployed on other machines, please define the following environment variable

$ DISCOVERY_AS_LOCALHOST=false npm start

Run Standalone in Different Location

Note: If the Hyperledger Fabric network is deployed on other machines, please define the following environment variable

$ DISCOVERY_AS_LOCALHOST=false ./syncstart.sh

Updating Docker image

To build a new version of the Docker image, use npm run-script docker_build. This creates a new image, which will become hyperledger-explorer:latest (distinct from the canonical images, which are hyperledger/explorer, with a /). This is a distinct build from the local version used in the Quick Start process. Run this image with docker-compose down && docker-compose up -d; both commands are needed.


Please refer README-CONFIG.md for more detail on each configuration.



Please visit the TROUBLESHOOT.md to view the Troubleshooting TechNotes for Hyperledger Explorer.


Hyperledger Explorer Project source code is released under the Apache 2.0 license. The README.md, CONTRIBUTING.md files, and files in the "images", "snapshots" folders are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. You may obtain a copy of the license, titled CC-BY-4.0, at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/.