To complete this, we need to get an idea of the dates that the major libraries -- Aries Cloud Agent Python, Aries Framework JavaScript (@TimoGlastra , @berendsliedrecht, et al. ), Aries VCX (@Patrik-Stas, et. al. ) and Aries Framework Go (@troyronda ?) are willing to get this into their Aries implementation and promoted amongst their deployers. Definitely interested in their feedback.
Each implementation needs to do a single implementation for steps 2 and 3:
Be able to receive unqualified and peer:did:2/3 DIDs in establishing connections.
Send out both unqualified and peer:did:2/3 DIDs in establishing a connection, with a configuration flag to control which is being used are using.
Be able to receive DIDComm messages that use unqualified and peer:did:2/3 DIDs.
Be able to send DIDComm messages that use unqualified and peer:did:2/3 DIDs.
Not sure the DID references are even used after the connection is established.
Convert existing unqualified DIDs to peer:did:3 in using DIDComm messaging.
Once that handling is in place, any deployment using that code can accomplish step 2 and can transition to step 3 by changing a configuration flag.
Do the various Aries implementations have a target date for completing the work on this?
To complete this, we need to get an idea of the dates that the major libraries -- Aries Cloud Agent Python, Aries Framework JavaScript (@TimoGlastra , @berendsliedrecht, et al. ), Aries VCX (@Patrik-Stas, et. al. ) and Aries Framework Go (@troyronda ?) are willing to get this into their Aries implementation and promoted amongst their deployers. Definitely interested in their feedback.
Each implementation needs to do a single implementation for steps 2 and 3:
Once that handling is in place, any deployment using that code can accomplish step 2 and can transition to step 3 by changing a configuration flag.
Do the various Aries implementations have a target date for completing the work on this?