hyperoslo / web-team-tv

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List of components #3

Open mathiasbno opened 8 years ago

mathiasbno commented 8 years ago

Pls add more components if you have any ideas.

sindrenm commented 8 years ago

I notice you don't have an Instagram component listed there. What if we want to feed Instagram photos/videos based on a certain hashtag? :trollface:

sindrenm commented 8 years ago

Fucking live cam for the gaming room, dude!

gauravtiwari commented 8 years ago

@mathiasbno Harvest hour app, to see client time (wish from Einar)? Would it be useful? and How?

jgorset commented 8 years ago

Twitter feed is totally on the top of my list, too. That'd be cool.

jgorset commented 8 years ago

I notice you don't have an Instagram component listed there. What if we want to feed Instagram photos/videos based on a certain hashtag? :trollface:

Haha, screw you!

nashby commented 8 years ago

You definitely need Twitch component. Don't know why you need tv if there's no Twitch component.

JozoSalt commented 8 years ago

Maybe a list of people from spots and if their remote or not

jgorset commented 8 years ago

Good idea @JozoSalt!

gauravtiwari commented 8 years ago

@JozoSalt probably something like remote faces component, so we just show people who are remote. @jgorset ?

gauravtiwari commented 8 years ago

Thanks for your input folks :)

The TV should be used to showcase organisational outlook, a couple of components mentioned above are easily available on our personal computers and workstations so, it wouldn't be worth to put it on TV.

Basically, anything can go on TV, but it would be wise to think of using that space to present Hyper as an organisation, it's core values and people behind it. So that if anyone visits Hyper and see that TV, gets an idea of what Hyper is in a nutshell.

The below list is made from the inputs you all have provided, coupled with some other ideas. Please take a look and comment what you think? May be we are still missing some core things.

  1. Organisation Component: (Large layout - 2 X 1) With Hyper logo and underneath show organisation level stats
    • Total people,
    • Social reputation - twitter followers, Facebook likes etc,
    • Diversity - people from 9 countries work here.
    • Total projects worked in lifetime - rough
    • Open source contributions - public projects on github
    • Working hours - 7.5
    • Happiness index (this could be another small-ish idea, where every week, everyone at hyper anonymously, honestly vote (optionally add a comment ) their happiness index. For ex: I am 8/10 happy this week by working at Hyper and we can just aggregate it on TV via API. It would be same as Harvest submit time, by end of week everyone submit their happiness index.
    • Lunch time - 30 mins/ 12PM
    • Lunch of the day
    • etc.
  2. Feed component: Aggregated feeds from social media - mix of things
  3. Tracker component: Aggregated stats for current month
    • Total hours worked,
    • Github commits
    • Harvest hours tracked
    • Active clients
    • Hours billed
    • People on holiday
    • Upcoming projects
    • etc.
  4. Photo and video component Pulls random photo from social media or any source
  5. Interactive weather component Shows todays and tomorrow weather
  6. Remote faces (not sure) Show a static snap of remote people working with hyper
  7. News component List of news items - may be with filters - technology, world etc
zenangst commented 8 years ago

Here are some notes from the iOS team meeting;

Hope this list was helpful 😁

jgorset commented 8 years ago

Happiness index (this could be another small-ish idea, where every week, everyone at hyper anonymously, honestly vote (optionally add a comment ) their happiness index. For ex: I am 8/10 happy this week by working at Hyper and we can just aggregate it on TV via API. It would be same as Harvest submit time, by end of week everyone submit their happiness index.

I like this a lot.

zenangst commented 8 years ago

My happiness will be constant, just like the API; 10/10

zenangst commented 8 years ago

Oh shit, I just ruined the anonymous-thing didn't I?

sindrenm commented 8 years ago

Are we gonna require the happiness index to be submitted every week like with the hours or is it optional?

gauravtiwari commented 8 years ago

@sindrenm It's optional, but would be good to submit every week. Thinking how we could make it simple and unobtrusive - open to discussion